Chapter One

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"Mr. Jung, please come down to the lobby."

Intercom hangs up

That must be my package. I hope it's not harmed. I grabbed my slippers and put them on, rushing out the house quickly.

I pushed the elevator button and it opened instantly. All of a sudden there was someone behind me, and it was Wendy.

"Jaehyun, there you are." She said running excited towards me.

I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Jung Jaehyun. I'm 23 years old and I'm working all the time. Y'all might know me as some handsome dude, but I'm far from that.

"Hey Wendy. So unexpected to see you around here." I said while rolling my eyes.

She laughed and just stared at me like I was dumb. It kind of made me uncomfortable in a way.

"You know I live here, silly." She grabbed my arm and dragged me in the elevator. "What are you doing to me now Wendy?" I shook her hand off my arm.

This girl is so annoying and never gives me a break. Please help me jesus, give me a miracle.

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out." She smiled and played with her fingers. "You already know I have no time for small talk and for you." I told her while waiting for the elevator to get to the lobby.

"Why are you so dang stubborn?!" She yelled as she stomped her feet. "Have you noticed that I don't like you?" I stated back. The elevator door opened to the lobby and I stormed out. "Jaehyun!!!" She screamed through the elevator doors.

I walked towards the front desk and smiled at the secretary. "Hello Mr. Jung, here is your package." She said while handing me the package. "Thank you very much ma'am."  I grabbed the package and went back into the elevator. Thank god Wendy wasn't in there.

Soon the elevator was at the floor my apartment was at. I quickly ran with my package into the apartment and locked the door. "Finally." More peace and quite for myself. I looked around my kitchen for a knife and grabbed one. Carefully grabbing my package and opening it.

I opened the box to find the robot I ordered. She was as beautiful as I imagined. "Ooo~ look at how beautiful you are!" I built my robot until it was completely finished.

"I have a perfect name for you, and that's Seulhyuk, yeah." I smiled while trying to turn her on. "Park Seulhyuk sounds beautiful to me." I can't seem to find the power button. I searched for instruction pamphlet and found it. Skimming through it I found the power section. "Oh there is the power button!" I turned her on and she immediately acted like a normal human.

"Hello, my name is Park Seulhyuk. I'll be your robot until you don't need me anymore." She looked at me in the eyes and smiled.

"Hello Seulhyuk, my name is Jaehyun. I'm your quote on quote "master". I'm more than delighted to have you here." I smiled back at her and looked around at my messy apartment.

"So, the first impression of my apartment must be disorganized and dirty." She nodded at my statement and started picking up things.

"It sure is dirty, but not so disorganized." She continued picking up my things and putting them on my table. "Um, you don't have to do these things. All you really have to do is cook and do laundry for me." I stated and grabbed the things from her hand. "Oh shoot my hand touched her hand." I said under my breath. "I'm sorry about that."

"It's fine." She smiled at me and sat back on the couch. "So, do you sleep?" I asked with curiousness. "I act like a human, basically I do human things except using the bathroom. I also don't eat." She stated. "Great, it'll be easy living with you." I said. "Well, you can fold my laundry." I said out of no where. "Okay." She said.

"She's so handy. Perfect girlfriend material."

"Wait, what am I saying?!"

"Perfect girlfriend material..."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2019 ⏰

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