Absolutely Skittled

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It was relatively late, the sun had long since set and for the most part the occupants had begun to head to bed for the night. Skittle lay in wait in the corridor, her victim was yet to pass this way. When she saw him, she blocked his path by stepping in front of him.

"Alexander, do me a favour and chug this?" Skittle shoved the glass practically into Alex's torso then, her green eyes hard on his. She kept her other arm behind her back. Using his full name would throw him off. A good start.

"What is it?" His brow raised. He didn't trust her, not like he trusted her other self, Dave. They were like teenaged brothers when in each others company. She watched him look at the red drink she still held in front of him.

"Don't ask dumb questions, just drink it." Skittle knew she smirked, couldn't help it really. When he took the glass for himself, she knew he'd read her face as daring him to do it. "You'll be able to snuggle with Dave later, it won't kill you."

"Fucking right I better." Chug. "That... is fucking... sweet as shit. What is it?" The grimace of sweetness hitting him made Skittle practically light up. It had been enough to hide the true intensions of the drink. Her hidden hand had been holding a bottle as she refilled the glass.

"£50 says you won't finish this bottle." She wiggled it in front of him, it being 7/8's full still after the two pours. Some quick math was needed, he'd need the value in the currency he knew best. "Roughly $65. I mean I understand if it's too SWEET for you... I'll go find Bane or Abstra..." CHUG. She'd barely registered the movement, before the empty glass was thrust into her face.

"Bring it on." Alex smirked, with a devilish look to his eyes. Skittle knew all to well she was stroking his male ego, but it was worth it. She refilled his drink, slowly though. She was relying on intel that said this wasn't the normal for him. She watched as he chugged another, and another. Half the bottle down, and still he had no idea what she was playing at. A small grimace and a wobble to his hand was the only encouragement she needed to continue feeding him the beverage. She kept her pace at refilling the glass, he wasn't to speak until she was done. As she poured the last glass, she twirled away from him, walking up the corridor.

"Well darn! Looks like you win if you can handle that one." She threw her arms up in a mock surrender, feigning defeat. Skittle looked over her shoulder as he chugged the last glass. He smirked, went to step forward... actually went sideways into the wall. The look of shock on his face as he staggered was enough for Skittle to burst out laughing.

"Te foog..." The slur was loud enough to be heard. So was the bang as he half fell onto the wall across from where he originally stumbled.

"Hope you enjoyed the blood of my people Alex. Sleep well." She carried on down the corridor, still snickering as he staggered. Before she rounded the corner, she laughed as he felt his way along the corridor. More so as he was slinking the wrong way if his goal was to follow her, more wrongly if it was his bed he wanted.

"Bith." At least he flipped her off in the right direction.


A chair moving caused Dave to look up at Alex as he fell on sed chair, eyeing up his coffee. Protectively, Dave grabbed it and held it close. Too many times Alex had put salt in his beverage without him seeing. Across from him, Abstract gazed up at Alex's loud arrival to the table. The orange juice sat just arms reach from him the only sign needed to show two of the three had some form of hangover.

"Dude... what the fuck happened last night?" Alex groaned, rubbing his face. Dave frowned and shook his head, gesturing that he had no clue. "Don't be a shithead, you know what I mean."

"How much did you drink?" Dave deadpanned, now assuming Alex had drank so much he had blacked out. This in of itself was an insult. Where the fuck was his invite to such a night? He half looked at Abstract then.

"He wasn't drinking with me." Abstract matched his deadpan, as he reached for his orange juice. He glanced at Alex, squinting. "At least I don't recall seeing you down the pub last night." Alex shook his head, then looked like he was about to deny the clear accusation Dave was throwing at him.

"Your other self. She's a witch." There was a brief look of disdain on Alex's face before Dave bellowed with laughter.

"YOU DRANK WITH SKITTLE?!" Both Abstact and Dave stood up. Abstract slowly sat back down, regretting that decision. Dave suddenly, all offence was forgotten.

"You absolute bellend." Dave slapped a hand down on the table, his laughter still escaping while he was trying his best to get it under control.

"I don't know what she gave me... but I didn't give a crap about it after. I was headed to bed, she accosted me, and I woke up on the sofa." Alex eyed up Dave's coffee again, licking his lips as he watched Dave then looked to the kettle. "Where are the girls?"

"Skittle took Drama out earlier with the dogs." Dave shrugged. There whereabouts of their other selves wasn't important compared to the story Alex was telling him. "Did Skit say 'the blood of my people'?" Dave's smirk was all knowing now. He knew EXACTLY what Skittle had given him. Knowing her it likely would have been a quad shot, at minimum. Knowing Alex, he likely chugged three before the alcohol hit him like a freight train.

"I think she did. It was sweet, whatever it was."

"Yeah... She gave you some of her homemade skittle vodka." Dave leant back.

"Wait." Abstract cut in, focusing on not moving to quickly. "You're telling me I went to the pub to get wasted... and Skitters had her fucking vodka?!"

"Was that what she was faffing about with yesterday?" Alex questioned, looking between the two men. "I was strutting my stuff in here when she threatened to bottle me if I didn't put 'trousers' on, whatever those are." Dave shrugged as if to say maybe, not really reacting to the threat of violence from Skittle. From memory, the only time she HAD launched something at Alex was the time he walked into her room, mistaking it for his back in the early days of living together. She hadn't been in any state of dress, going by the 'worth it' story Alex had told him after.

"The vodka she uses is about 47%." Dave watched Alex frown at him then. "And yes. She is a witch. Three quarters of that drink was probably sed vodka, sweetened up further with cherryade, if it was red."

"Fuck off. Those drinks were so sweet, there was no WAY they wereTHAT strong." Dave saw the refusal in Alex's eyes then. 

"Just be thankful it wasn't skittle bombs." Abstract shivered at his own memories of drinking with the manic pink haired woman. "If it was only three quarter vodka, she was being kind as an FYI."

"Guess I get $65 out of it though." Alex sighed, laying his head on his arms, on the table. If the sun can't be seen, it didn't exist anymore.

"Sweet. So drinks are on you tonight then?" Abstract grinned, snorting with laughter again when he was punched on the arm.

"You can fuck off as well." Alex grumbled. This hangover really wasn't worth $65. 

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