(Slightly Modified) OC Files

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Name- Aeria Wiater

Element- Wind

Personality Traits- Defensive, Athletic, and Artsy 

Appearance- Long black hair with a purple streak that is usually braided on the left side of her head, right eye is black with a scar over it, is usually seen wearing her black leather motorcycle jacket with matching fingerless gloves, and riding boots with jeans and a t-shirt

Mech- Purple dragonfly mech with stun laser in the tail

Wind Powers-

• Aerokinesis- Manipulate the air and wind

• Aeroportation- Teleport using air/wind currents

• Wind Generation- Create blasts of wind

• Flight- Have the ability to fly at will

• Levitation- The ability to make anything rise up in the air and move around under your control


Name- Xia Julien

Element- Ice

Personality Traits- Caring, persistent, adventurous, impatient, shy, and smart for her age

Appearance- White hair in a bun, light blue eyes, wears light blue sweater vest decorated with snowflakes over a button-down shirt, and white pants

Mech- Shares the Ice Tank with her twin brother Zane


Control ice, snow and other forms of frozen water

Control and manipulate the snowy weather

Freeze things in solid ice

Lower the temperature to freezing temperatures

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