Our World

11 3 0

On blood drenched streets we march

And psychotic bastards
Lead us,

Narcissistic fools
Make decisions for us,

While beggars compliment
Lonely souls

Twelve year olds sell drugs
And kids give birth to children

Lost mentalities
nod their heads to these sick
political lies

While drunks sing along
with some sort of useless pride,

Grey skies greet boring people,

Technical fault incade the brain,

No beauty is found,

No beauty is looked for,

Fake teens
act happy
and cut behind closed doors,

Depressed youth
Supposedly the future,

Are crying themselves to sleep,

Because our world is Cruel,
Our world is Unfair

And only us the Brave,
Us the enigmas of this silly society

See through the mist.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2014 ⏰

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