Chapter 8 (The ones before)

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Well hello again Madison, she said aw I missed you guys, we both smirked and said yeah we missed you too, she ran up to me and hugged me, but she didn't hug The Doctor she only waved to her, hmm this gave me hope in something happening. So what have you two been up to then? Oh you know same old same old saving people and planets, she giggled and said good biting her lip at me, I asked is she okay? And she said yeah of course I am why wouldn't I be? I said oh good don't worry I was just wondering that's all... 

Now then you two, we have a choice we could either go to the tropical island of Oriando or *phone rings* Oh wait a second guys. Hello? Whoever was on the phone made The Doctor smile, she said okay, on my way now! She ran to the lever and pushed it up we're going to Sheffield hold on! The TARDIS landed softly, well we haven't had one of those in a while now have we? Sheffield, 14th of November 2020, she opened the doors to the TARDIS and said come on you lot one trip? 3 people entered the TARDIS and said aw we miss this place, me and Madison looked at The Doctor and politely asked who are they? The Doctor said these are the people I travelled with before you two. This is Callum and Madison, Callum, Madison meet Ryan Graham and Yaz, off we go then.

The Doctor pushed the lever up to take off but the TARDIS was playing up and wouldn't take off, huh? What now! Yaz asked what's wrong Doctor? She won't take off, there's something here she don't like, The TARDIS can get scared? I asked The Doctor said sometimes depending on how powerful they are. Something around the area we're in is powerful. The TARDIS made a weird noise and then shut off. She's dead... Someone or Something just ripped out the TARDIS's soul, completely from the console. The Doctor put her hand on the console and said I'll find you and save you old girl, don't you worry, she angrily walked out the TARDIS and said show yourself you have taken away something I loved and maybe just maybe in front of me isn't the safest place to stand but I genuinely don't think you care about that so come on then!

The Doctor literally just disappeared right in front of everyone, where's she gone? Whatever is scaring the TARDIS is what beamed the Doctor up to their ship, I'll use the TARDIS telepathic cables to get us to her, Yaz said but the TARDIS is dead she ain't working, I said oh just you watch me! I ran into the TARDIS and grabbed the cables held them tight and told everyone to hold on because it'll hurt me which will make the flight unstable!

(The Doctor's side) - So it was you was it what are you? The creature said I am part of the Anclovaxian race I scanned your ship and discovered where you and the Blue Box were from! You are a TimeLord and the Box is a TARDIS my home was destroyed because of the Time War, I never came to meet you, The Doctor said well sorry but that war is old news, The creature said for me it isn't, now then TimeLord time to pay your depths and join the rest of your kind!

(My side) - Almost there ahhhhhh! Vworp, boom I fell to the floor Madison stayed and told the rest of the old crew to go to The Doctor, so they all ran out and Madison tried to wake me up. She tapped my face saying come on Cal wake up! Then she stopped put each hand on each side of my face and kissed me, obviously hen I woke up and I said I thought you did you like me! She smiled and said how did you work it out? I smiled and said you bit your lip whilst flirty talking to me, that's about enough for me to know that you do, so how come you like me? She said all I can say is I had a little chat with The Doctor and she said you liked me and I smiled as I was very grateful you saved me and that made me love you too but I didn't want to jump into it too soon, I quickly looked at the doors and yelled The Doctor!

We both ran out and The Doctor was on the floor and Ryan and Yaz were helping her up but the creature was after Graham, What happened to her? I don't know I think that creature drained her! I said nobody drains my Doctor! I got up and said give The Doctor her soul back! And you can have mine cause being with The Doctor has made me clever and more understanding of the universe, your kind are soul snatchers it's obvious cause you stripped the TARDIS's soul too and you wouldn't want to find out where her soul has gone cause trust me it'll make you disappear from reality itself give her back and take me! The creature laughed and said the TARDIS soul has been drained, it's dead, my hands lit up orange and said no it isn't I'm no where near dead and let me tell you something Anclovaxian, you just pissed off the wrong TARDIS I push my hands out and the orange energy made Anclovaxian disappear from reality.

The orange energy went out of my body and back into the TARDIS, The Doctor also woke up taking deep breaths, I fell to the floor yet again but still concious, Doctor you missed quite a lot Callum saved you! I looked at her and smiled,I said no,it was the TARDIS her should went into my body when it got teared out the TARDIS console, I was the TARDIS The Doctor smiled and said something like that happened before, she smiled again and said "Idris" thank you Callum and thank you too, sexy, The TARDIS lantern lit up again and then the TARDIS made a noise, The Doctor shot up and ran back in so then you lot, where to next? Ryan Yaz and Graham went back home as they were only here for one trip they all said Thank you and it's nice to see The Doctor again and said to me and Madison that it was nice to meet us and to look after The Doctor I yelled oh don't worry me and the TARDIS will! They laughed and wandered off.

Right you two where to next? I said well whilst I was the TARDIS she wanted to see that Tropical planet you mentioned, oh right yes Oriando here we come!

                                                                          Next Time

                                                                Virtual reality or reality

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2019 ⏰

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