January 2019

6 0 0

I love you
Dont ever leave
Everytime I love someone they leave
Or they dont love me
Or leave and can't ever come back
Love hurts more than anything
But it is also the best thing in the world
Why can't love just be simple ?
It would not be as special
But why does it have to hurt?
It just does
If you truly want it
You have to work for it
When you find someone that helps you forget the pain you use to know.
That little hurt causes the pain to stop
Love is worth it
Never forget why you love
If you forget then you can't fully love
Forgetting is losing.
Losing is more pain
More pain causes agony
The cure for agony is love
Love the world
Love each other
Because one day they might all leave
One day it will be to late
Love while you can
Love while your just a little hurt
And not in a painful agony.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2019 ⏰

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