Tagged pt. 1

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So I was tagged by Starcakes_And_Syrup ! Thank you I love youuu

So I was tagged by Starcakes_And_Syrup ! Thank you I love youuu

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Alrighty then
1) I'm a female
2) It depends actually. Sometimes it's
That Dumbass Bitch
Sometimes it's
The dragon full of fiery rage and Shitposts™️
But uh, in personality traits, I'm 40% kind, 0% patient, 99.9% mean and 30% rude (mostly without meaning to), Will Call You Bitch But In A Friendly Way So Dont Think I Hate You Because No You Are Precious And I Love You, 100% awkward, 100% will become attached to you and want to be your friend after a few moments of meeting you, touch starved, no friends, overshare (like right now I'm sorry), is pretty okay at comforting people? I hope? okay you've heard enough moving on
3) oH okay cool right now I'm feeling proud of myself because I shot a bullseye at the range today and it was my first shot too (it's right down here) not even kidding it's my best and I love it

9% mean and 30% rude (mostly without meaning to), Will Call You Bitch But In A Friendly Way So Dont Think I Hate You Because No You Are Precious And I Love You, 100% awkward, 100% will become attached to you and want to be your friend after a few ...

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But I'm also very anxious bc i have a performance on Saturday and I'm not ready for it At All but I'm procrastinating 
4) aH I'd go to New Zealand. Ah I love that place it's awesome but I'd stay right where I am too (I live in Singapore it's pretty unproblematic)
5) I... I don't have a best friend :/
6) ah yes okay any time from maybe 2am to about 6.30am bc the sky is really pretty (and the sunrise) and no one is awake so
7) uhh i dunno um "The Boring And Uninteresting Life Of Nayo" on the other hand "The Dramatic And Fascinating Life Of Nayo" take your pick
8) oh bitch I'm single but I want a girlfriend ahhh oh okay there's this guy with "nice guy" syndrome who likes me tho ew
So tAgGinG (I'm tagging people who I rly like and wanna be friends with but I'm too awkward to initiate a conversation so I'm just tagging them like a coward)
Also Starcakes_And_Syrup but you tagged me so
Alrighty here you are now you know more about me and and my Shit Personality™️
Peace out bitches,
Until next time,
Nayo :)

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