⚠️Heat⚠️ (Edited)

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Naruto came in from the bathroom with nothing but a towel around his waist and Kurama took notice of this from the entrance to the living room and scented the air taking a deep whiff through his nose and said. "Your in heat kit."

Naruto was feeling needy, and he started to approach the bed dropping the towel on the way swaying his hips with each step he took releasing his tails one by one and Fox ears. He said, "I know Kurama-kun I have been all day and have been wanting you the entire time. It didn't help when the Uchiha followed me after the test and started to try smooth talking me trying to get me to go to a restaurant with him or to his house. Then Kiba showed up trying to show me who the alpha was, strutting about and talking like he was my mate throwing his pheromones around, ugh it was sickening but the worst part was when he fell into my lap."

Kurama smirked and changed completely into his fox form and said. "Let's take care of your needs then." In his fox form about the size of a full grown Akamaru then stalked over to the bed.

Naruto was on his hands and knees, and gaining a more Fox like look knowing Kurama liked both the look and feel of his Fox Features not to mention he liked to get a little rough when in animal form. So when Kurama finally mounted him, Naruto was ready for a long night with his mate. Kurama then thrust into Naruto's tight and warm ass causing Naruto to let out a low moan as he was penetrated by his mate's large Vulpine dick and lowered his chest and raised his ass a little higher sheathing Kurama's entire 15 length inside him not including the rapidly swelling knot. After a few moments of letting Naruto's walls adjust to his length and after feeling Naruto move he started off slow, building up speed and strength, pulling back till just the crown of his cock was the only part still inside and roughly shoving back in. Humping the love of his life like the animal he currently was. Naruto was in heaven with Kurama on top and inside of him. It was both what he wanted and needed, it wasn't long before they were both cumming and howling the others name and Kurama sinking his knot in with little ease.

(the next day)

Naruto woke up feeling sore, satisfied and stretched out, Stretching out the kinks in his body, trying to get up he felt a sharp pain in his butt as he was pulled back and felt Kurama's knot still inside of him, that wasn't normal he started to panic when he remembered the last time his mate went into heat they had been stuck in the bedroom for a week. Naruto cursed himself for forgetting about Kurama's needs.

Kurama chose this moment of self incriminating time to wake up and shushed him with a purr saying. "Good morning kit." And asked. "Why are you so sad?" Naruto with tears in his eyes said. "I forgot about your heat and..."

He was cut off by Kurama purring. "And you have a team meeting today, just send a reinforced kage bushin." Naruto stopped crying and asked. "How did I forget that?"

As the kage bushin left the house grumbling Naruto already had Kurama pinned to the bed as he straddled him with Kurama's knot inside of him there weren't that many positions Naruto could get into it also kept him from moving more than a couple inches and Naruto couldn't see Kurama's face but he loved being locked together with his mate as it was a week Naruto had Kurama all to himself, another puff of smoke and a kage bushin of Kurama went off to prepare some food.

(a week later)

Naruto was in an extremely good mood he had stayed home and sent a kage bushin to do the horrors known as D-rank missions that all genin suffer through but the last kage bushin's memories brought the memory of Sasuke being mauled by a vicious cat that could be mistaken for a demon and the emo demanded a C-rank mission. Iruka had yelled at him for disrespecting the Hokage but was silenced by the Hokage holding up a hand and the bushin, with the bushin asking for a higher mission as well. Naruto was happy they were going on a C- ranked mission but already disliked the client. The client was an old drunk whom said he was a super bridge builder and scoffed at the team he was assigned for his protection whom in his eyes were no more than a bunch of brats but letting this be known was a bad idea as the sake bottle he had was sliced vertically spewing out it's contents and dowsing him in the alcohol. Naruto was now standing there his sword was now out and leaned over his shoulders his hand held out a flame dancing in his hands and a sadistic grin on his face.

" I assume you know what would happen if I were to touch you with this right." Naruto said never dropping his smile Tazuna nearly pissed himself before he grunted they would do.

Naruto we knew the old bridge builder was hiding something but didn't know what. Kurama came in and saw the look on Naruto's face and asked about it.

Naruto said. "It's this C-rank I'm going on in a few hours something doesn't seem right but I don't know what it is. That old drunk of a client is hiding something and it doesn't sit well with me? Could you come too, my bushin asked Jiji yesterday when we got it and he has no problem with it as he too feels like I do."

Kurama took no time to reply and said. "Of course I'll come kit I know what's happening in Wave."

Naruto brightened up at this and said. "Great I'm just about done, pack for a minimum of thee weeks and meet us at the main gates."

At the gates Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke with the client were waiting on Kakashi when both him and Kurama showed up in a leaf shuushin with Kakashi's ear in between Kurama's thumb and forefinger being pulled along Kurama said. "With me on any mission with you, you better not be late if you think Naruto's pranks are bad, you don't want to fall into one of mine. Out of all the kitsune in my territory I'm the only one who could out prank him." Hearing what was said had different responses Kakashi started to sweat, Sakura was confused, Sasuke wanted to know what he meant by that and Tazuna just shivered.

Kakashi got out of the grip on his ear, gave an eye smile and said. "Now that we're all here lets get going." With that team seven plus Kurama and the client (it would be bad to forget him) set out for Wave.

They had been walking for ten minutes when Naruto, Kurama and Kakashi noticed a puddle in the road and they all thought one thing. "A puddle on a hot road when there hasn't been any rain for days its an ambush." Naruto looked over to Kurama who had also looked over to him. Kurama gave Naruto a nod and Naruto gave a quick nod back. Walking past it first, Naruto very quickly put his hand out confusing the others except Kurama. Visible Red Chakra Quickly gathered in Naruto's palm and he molded the chakra into the shape of a 6 inch Knife. Naruto solidified his chakra to be able to grab the handle and due to solidifying his chakra it caused the entire knife to stay a continuous Bright Glowing red Color; In a split second He stabbed his knife into the ground spreading his chakra 10 feet in all direction in the ground. Just as Sasuke and Sakura were getting ready to question him Naruto's Chakra on the ground rapidly changing from blue to the same bright Red As before. As soon as this happened Kurama grabbed the back of Sasuke and Sakura's Shirts and Body Flickered from the area and Kakashi did the same. The moment the 4 vanished the 10 feet area Naruto's chakra covering the ground Exploded And when the smoke cleared two men were seen laying face down on the ground.

All 4 returned just a few moments after the explosion. Kakashi although happy one of his students saw through the poorly concealed ambush was also quite mad and said, "Naruto why did you blow them up I was going to see who they were after now I can't."

Naruto gave a snort before pointing at Tazuna and said. "Isn't it obvious that they were after the bridge builder these two are chunin and even though you are in the bingo book I doubt you were their target and I highly doubt they were after Sakura, Sasuke or me. As for not being able to find out who they were after, why not just wake them up." Naruto finished with a dead panned expression and kicked one over onto his back sat on his stomach with his knees pinning the man's hands. Naruto then proceeded to wake him up by slapping his face. Upon waking up the nuke-nin was furious but was instantly aware of Naruto on top of him. (it would be hard not to notice someone sitting on you) Naruto then asked. "Who is your target?" Not getting a response he dug one of his knees into the man's unprotected hand and repeated himself. The nuke-nin just gritted his teeth and Naruto said. "Tough guy huh, well would you rather I torture your brother." This got a reaction and he spilled the beans. Naruto turned and said. "There are you happy."

Kakashi just nodded and turned to Tazuna and said. "Tazuna care to explain why there are shinobi after you when you said there would only be robbers." After a long ass sob story Kakashi asked them if they were going to go back or go on with the mission knowing the dangers were greater with the chances of running into a jounin.

Sakura was hesitant to go saying they weren't ready for a higher mission. Sasuke was eager to show that he was an elite. Naruto wanted to make sure Gato got what was coming to him.

(In the master bedroom of Gato's mansion, Gato was getting prepared for dinner when all of a sudden he sneezes and several ancient and fragile items in the room cracked then shattered.)

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