The Perfect Proposal

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His palms were sweating. His nerves were increasing. His head was spinning.

This was it.

This was the moment that Dan had been waiting for for as long as he could remember. This was the day that he would propose to his boyfriend of two years, Philip Lester.

Dan looked around the beautifully candle lit room. This is where they had first met. This is where it had all begun. The first chapter in their very detailed novel of a book.

Dan smiled to himself as he remembered it, like it was only yesterday...

Dan had been in a rush to go and collect a coffee for himself and his friend, Sara. At the time they had been working together on a video for her YouTube channel and after the filming of it, Dan had offered to go and get them a drink whilst she completed some of the editing. Knowing that there was a coffee shop just down the road Dan thought it might be a nice gesture.

So off he went. He decided to take the more scenic route this time since it was such a beautiful day, also the scenic route included a shortcut so why not? When he arrived he entered the coffee shop and went straight for the queue, already knowing exactly what to order. Sara always ordered a chai latte while Dan always went with something a bit more daring. When he approached the front of the queue he gave his order in, then went to go and wait at the other end of the counter for the drinks to be completed.

And that was when he saw him.

A beautiful boy standing at just a few inches taller than Dan. He had dark black hair and a fringe that very nearly covered those two beautiful ocean blue eyes which he possessed. As he walked over to the end of the counter where this boy was standing Dan couldn't help but feel an odd sensation of butterflies in his chest.

"Grande Nonfat Pumpkin Spice Latte" The lady behind the counter said as she slid a coffee cup over to the two boys.

Now Dan, well, being Dan. Who was not only in a trance from the sight of the beautiful boy right in front of him, but who also carried the curse of awkward and embarrassing moments that were just waiting to him everywhere he went made a move that day that, unbeknownst to him, that would change his life in the best way possible.

Not thinking at all Dan reached his hand forward toward the drink at the exact moment that the boy with beautiful eyes and black hair did and Dan's hand ended up colliding with said beautiful boys hand. Which had made for an embarrassingly awkward collision of hands and yet something else had occurred in that moment as well. 

He had felt a spark. Something he had never felt before. Something that had made him feel warm yet excited at the same time. Like an electric shock only the pain from it was quite satisfying. 

Then coming back into reality that was when Dan realized.  

That wasn't his drink. The same order, yes. But the wrong drink.

Dan pulled back his hand quickly and felt the redness in his cheeks start to appear.

He heard the black haired boy chuckle lightly. God, even his chuckle was sexy. Dan looked at him with all the strength he could muster.

"Sorry about that." Was all that Dan could manage to say in that moment. Anything else and he might have ended up puking from embarrassment. 

The blued eyed boy just looked at him for a few seconds, took a sip of his drink and then smiled. "I'm Phil." He simply said as he held out his pale skinned hand for Dan to shake.

"Dan." Dan said trying on his best smile and taking Phil's hand in his, which incidentally ended up in him feeling another satisfying spark. Dan probably looked completely ridiculous right now but he knew that there wasn't much he could do about that.

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