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I started writing this while waiting for a bus, I finished writing this very late at night, so sorry if there are any mistakes. I also started writing it before I knew Grace was sick.

SFW - 1537 words


One of the things he missed most about Grace was the way she would care for him when he was sick. Yes of course she would give him shit, saying it was man flu or that he was overreacting but she'd never not look after him. Right now as Chester was lying in bed, his back aching like never before, his one wish would be for her to be there with him, even if she couldn't do anything just her presence would make him feel better.

He knew she'd got on the first flight she could that would take her to him the fastest but he wished this whole distance thing wasn't a thing. With that thought in his mind he slowly drifted off to sleep with the idea in his head that maybe when he woke up she'd finally be there, in his New York apartment.


Grace practically sprinted from the departure gates and into the nearest cab, her suitcase trailing behind her. Once in the taxi she gave the driver Chester's address and bit her lip in excitement and anticipation. She thought it was ridiculous she'd seen him last week she shouldn't of missed him this much. But she did and she no longer cares. When he'd told her that he was getting a giant needle in his back she just wanted to be there to hold his hand or film him like she did when he got his blood taken, their relationship was diverse like that. She laughed at the memory. In no other relationship has Grace ever been the one to look back on something they did and actually laugh out loud or let the smile invade her whole face. She'd roll her eyes at the girls that did that in the movies, she'd gag when they would say they missed their significant other and it had been a small amount of time, but now she was that girl and she truly didn't give a damn what other people thought cause she was the happiest she's ever been.

The taxi got closer and closer to his apartment building and the need to see him consumed her, the taxi came to a gentle stop and Grace paid the driver quickly. She opened the door running towards the building, leaving her suitcase behind.

"Ma'am your suitcase!" The taxi driver yelled in his strong foreign accent.

Grace turned back and pulled the suitcase from the backseat, giving the driver a smile of thanks. Once the cab had driven off Grace was already inside the building waiting at the elevator. If she didn't have her suitcase she would have taken the stairs. Was the elevator being extra slow today? She thought.

She climbed into the elevator when it finally reached the lobby, the doors closed and again the thought entered her mind Is this elevator going slow? A loud bang brought her out of her questioning and then the lights in the small metal box started to flicker, it came to a painful halt and Grace filled with panic and frustration. She was claustrophobic she couldn't deal with this, the elevator could not have just stopped, she was so close to seeing him. She pulled out her phone out and started searching for his number. There were a couple of rings before a very sleepy Chester answered the phone.

"Hello?" He said groggily 

"Hi, it's me-" 

"Hey Grace! How far away are you?" He questioned voice full of excitement

"Yeah look, I'm in your building, in the elevator to be exact" Grace explains

"Oh cool, so I'll see you soon?" Chester asks hopeful

"It might not be that easy" Grace starts, the silence on the other end suggests that she should continue. "I'm in the elevator but it's not moving, I think it's stuck, I think I'm stuck" Graces words start to lace with panic

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