Chapter 1

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"Ummm guys? There's no service"

"What do you mean there's no service?!?"

"Ignore him Holly it's probably just he's crap phone"
I gave her a stink eye while still trying to get service on my as she mentioned 'crap phone'
"Well at least I have a phone" she glared at me for that. It didn't bother me though I was used to it by now.

So i'm here with my friends Holly and Sam. Holly being the sweet pumpkin she is and Sam just being your average bi- no I shouldn't call her that. I guess you can call her your average badass.

We are currently or were currently on an expedition in the forest of gimico. We were given an expedition guide and everything but he sorta just... disappeared? Yah I know how that sounds and you're probably thinking we should be more concerned for his sake but he didn't want to be here so we're just assuming he left us.

So know we're standing in a wonky circle in the middle of a jungle we know NOTHING about and trying to get a connection. Deciding it's futile I put my phone in my pocket and look at the two in front of me one being taller than me and the other shorter.
"I think we should just try following the path we took here. It can't be that hard...right?"

"Not it shouldn't, knowing us we can definitely do it!" Holly being the little ray of sunshine she always is excitedly exclaims.

"We definitely woke up and chose death today" That would be the grungy Sam for you.

"Well let's go troop" we head for the general direction we think we came from. We argue a bit at first all assuming we came from different directions. We eventually decide on a route and set off, with Sam in the front of course. Give it to Sam to always try and be the leader of the group.

While we were walking we heard what sounded like a river. We made the mutual decision that following water would probably be the best choice. As we were walking I stumble- like literally face first roll down this mini hill. Holly rushes to me continuously asking me if I'm okay while Sam just trudges at the back with an amused smirk on her face. Just as she was about to speak we hear voices about 2 meters to the side of us.

We all look to the side and see...

Hi guys sorry (not) for the cliffhanger. This is my first ever book but I've always loved reading BL books so I though why not try and make one myself? The idea for this book literally came to me in a dream...
Anyways I hope you're all having an amazing day!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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