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It's Monday.

Akaashi stepped out of his house and made his way go school, adjusting his book bag that was filled with too many textbooks. With his phone in hand he sent a simple 'otw to school' text to his mom to let her know he was in fact, leaving for school.

Luckily, Akasshi lived close to school, which made his walks there and back quick and easy, (and quite relaxing). Except on extremely cold mornings in which the jacket he has selected was too thin.

He didn't hate school, but he didn't really enjoy it either. He was just kinda there, ya know? Akaashi's grades were very good, being intelligent was just something he was naturally and he didn't have to study hard or really worry about school work. His mom was very proud of his grades and work ethic, so Akaashi knew that she was probably a tiny but disappointed when he told her that he wanted to be an artist. Many people just kind of would have this look like "but you're so smart to waste it on being an artist", when he told them but they would verbally encourage him. However, it was something he was passionate about and enjoyed doing, so he continued to do art.

Akaashi walked into school and headed for the art classroom. He sat towards the back and out in his earbuds to begin drawing. The classroom was quiet and only had a few students in it. Most people didn't take art past their first year, because only one year of art was required.

Akaashi didn't really have many friends and people who did know him, only knew him by the 'guy who can draw'. This was his first year at this school and making friends wasn't something he prioritized or was good at. But honestly, it didn't bother him too much. Sometimes he would see people's snapchat stories and going out with friends and having great times and he would start to feel jealous. But mostly, it didn't bother him. His mother was more concerned about his lack of friendships than he was. Which he appreciated her concern but didn't do much to help ease it.

After art class he went to his science class, to math, and from there onto lunch. During the warmer parts of the school year Akaashi would go outside and eat the lunch he had packed for himself and work on homework. Now that it was mid-October and only getting colder, he had moved into the gym. He wasn't the only one who did this, others had the same idea. Akaashi took off his book bag and pulled out his lunch. It was leftovers from his supper the night before.

"Hey! Pass me the ball, dude."
These words were obviously not meant for Akaashi seeing that he, in fact, did not have a ball. Regardless, he looked up to find the source of the voice.

His eyes landed on a gray haired boy, whose arms were out ready to receive a basketball. He was wearing warmup pants and a t-shirt. This was only Akaashi's second day eating in the gym so he hadn't seen this boy before, but he sure was beautiful, and moved with ease on the basketball court.

Akaashi went back to eating and doing his work, but his eyes kept going up to watched the boy as he played basketball with a couple others. After finishing his lunch, Akaashi decided to put in his earbuds and listen to some music to complete his homework.

Being that Akaashi had earbuds in, he couldn't hear the 'watch out' being shouted at him and proceeded to get hit in the shoulder with a basketball. He took out his earbuds and picked up the basketball that was sitting in the bleachers beside him.

"Oh my god," with this Akaashi looked up to see who was talking to him, "I'm so sorry about that."
It was the same gray-haired boy from earlier. Except now he had an apologetic smile and his brows were scrunched together with concern.

Akaashi just smiled and handed the ball back to him, "you're fine, don't worry about it."
The boy in front of him took it and looked at the ball then back at him.
"I yelled at you but I don't think you heard me," he paused, "well I know, you didn't hear me." He let out a nervous laugh and Akaashi waved his hand slightly, replying, " I should have been paying better attention, don't worry."

The boy thanked him for the ball and returned back to the court to continue playing. Akaashi checked his watch and packed up his stuff, seeing that lunch was to end soon and headed out the gym and towards his next class.


The rest of the day went on as it did most days and soon it was over and time to go home. As Akaashi exited the school someone behind him tugged in his book bag, holding him back.

"Hey, I hit you with a ball earlier, sorry about that, I'm Bokuto," the gray-haired boy or, Bokuto rather, stuck out his hand.
"I'm Akaashi," the dark haired boy replied, shaking his hand.
"What year are you?" Bokuto asked.
"Second," Akaashi adjusted his bookbag, "and you?"
"I'm a third year," he smiled proudly, "where are you headed?"

This guy sure asks a lot of questions, Akaashi thought.
"Um, home," he said nodding in the direction of his house.
"Oh, nice," Bokuto said looking to where His younger counterpart had nodded, "I live that way, too. I would go with you but I have to go to tutoring."
"You tutor?" Akaashi asked. He had tutored a couple first years as well as second and third years before. So he was wondering why he hadn't seen Bokuto before.
"Ah-no, I'm the tutored, in this case," he said with a nervous laugh, "but I'll see you tomorrow!" He waved at Akaashi smiling, and he waved back continuing home.

What an interesting guy.


this is my first time back writing since like,,,,, middle school lmao.
I feel like this chapter is def a little bit shaky but eh i'm working on it.

anyways, let me know what you think!
(sorry for and grammar/spelling mistakes)

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