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Asrox, Number XIX, was recently introduced into the Organization. Vexen, Number IV had been observing her for the longest time, thinking she was the ideal candidate for his latest experiment due to her nature. One day, as Asrox was minding her own business, the Chilly Academic darted her with a mysterious liquid and she went down, all going black...

Asrox awoke in a laboratory shrouded in complete darkness. Strapped to the table...she looked down at herself. Asrox noticed that she had newly formed dragon features that were not there before... The new dragoness struggled, but she couldn't move her body due to the binds holding her back. A cry for help resonated throughout the halls of the castle, but no one came. Another answer. 

Asrox was giving up all hope until the sound of unfamiliar footsteps approached her. She screamed again, hoping this time she would get their attention. Luck seemed to be on her side, as the figure, obscured by the darkness in the shut-down laboratory approached her. "It's ok! I'm getting you out!" a voice echoed. The figure went over to the controls and messed with a few buttons and soon the straps of the table were unlocked. Asrox got up off of the table and her new dragon instinct caused her eyes to go snakelike and she dropped to all fours, hissing. "You're ok...just follow me out of here." Something about this figure's voice made Asrox trust them, and she got back on her feet and followed the figure. 

Once they were in a more lightened area, Asrox finally got a good look at the mysterious stranger who saved her. It was a young man, looking to be about her age with blue hair with a long portion covering his right eye. The two stared at each other for a while before the male finally spoke "Where are my manners? The name's Zexion..." Asrox nodded "He's going to be looking for me...apparently I'm his "war machine" of some sorts... is there any way you can hide me?" Zexion took Asrox's hand and led her into the castle's library and pulled out a book from one of the bookshelves, revealing a secret room. "'ll be safe in here" Asrox immediately settled into the crawlspace and curled her newfound tail around her on the worn-out bed that was in the area. "Thank you...please don't tell a soul I'm in here!" Asrox smiled and looked over at Zexion. "I promise I won't... I'll come back to check on you every once and a while. And I'll also let you know when Vexen is on missions so you can come out and roam the castle." he returned the smile and left Asrox to her own devices. She yawned and fell asleep quickly, waiting for her new acquaintance to come back for her. 

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