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Kate woke up in the late hour of the night to a knock on the bedroom door. "Katie! I can't sleep". "It's 2 in the morning Eric go back to bed." "But the music is too loud." Kate stopped at the door confused. "What music?" Eric reached up to grab her hand and guided her to his room. Kate turned on the light and shook her head. "I'm not getting paid enough to deal with this" she thought to herself as she closed the window. "Eric.. It's just crickets. How did you even get this window open?" "I didn't open the window!" Kate sighed as she closed the lock. "See no more crickets." "You can't hear it anymore but it wasn't the crickets Katie." He scowled at her tucking himself in. "Maybe it's just your imagination." "Can you stay in here just in case it comes back?" "Why? The music isn't going to hurt you?" "I'm scared." Kate felt her phone vibrate in her hand. "No. I have to get some sleep." She said closing the door on the scared boy.

Kate went to the guest bedroom and plugged her phone into the wall just waiting for another knock at the door. She posted a picture of herself with the flash on "Really 2am?... I hate babysitting." Her Dms lit up with responses. "Are you free tomorrow night?" "Hey" "At least I'm not the only one up." "You still look cute tho." Kate shook her head at all the guys still up this late. No better than the little boy in the room next to her. She went to take another picture when a notification popped up in her messages. "Maybe you should go check on him." Confused she wrote back "Do I know you?" She looked at the door and waited for a response. "Can you hear it kaitlyn? Can you hear the music?" "Eric?" She responded with no answer. 

A knock at the door made her sit up "Eric why do you have a phone? No wonder you can't sleep." She snapped as she walked to the door. When she opened the door Eric was no where in sight. Behind her, Kaitlyn heard the sound of a her window opening. A chill ran up her spine and she turned around quick. Slowly she made her way towards the window. "Eric?" She asked aimlessly. Kaitlyn started to dial 9-1 into her phone as she made her way to the window. She looked outside and there in the streetlight stood Eric. Her heart sank. Eric was facing the woods. He must've gone sleepwalking. Kaitlyn threw on a pair of vans and a Northface jacket and ran out the door. "Fuck!" She shouted 

By the time Kaitlyn got outside Eric was gone. As she made her way closer to the edge of the woods she could hear the faint sound of music in the distance. Kaitlyn followed the sound of footsteps in fount of her crunching through the leaves and twigs. "Eric!?" "Katie! Katie! Come with me to the Carousel!" "Eric get back here!" She shouted picking up pace as the sound of footsteps ran further and further away. The sound of Eric's voice changed and seemed to circle around her in a dark guttural tone. "Can you hear the music Kaitlin?" Kaitlyn felt her heart pounding out of her chest, her throat tightened leaving a metallic taste in her mouth, the hairs on her head started to burn and she couldn't stop the tears of fright flowing down her face as her phone started to die in her hand the last thing she saw light up in her view was a boy twisted on the ground and smiling up at her with glowing eyes. Her phone went dark and the glowing eyes came speeding fast towards her. Kaitlyn screamed and ran fast out of the woods back to the house. 

When she got into the house, she locked the door contemplating what to do now in a panic. She ran to charge her phone so she could call 9-11 and just as she ran past Eric's room she turned to the sound of his voice. "Where did you go? I was so scared?" "Eric?" He was in bed the whole time.  

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 18, 2019 ⏰

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