The Story

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There was a story of this house down the street. It was a pastime for teenage slumber parties although, we never really saw those teenagers again. Everyone knows the story of the house but, they don't know if it's real or not.

There was a lady named Aubrey Hanes she lived in that house and she had a beautiful husband named Benedict Harding they were probably the most adorable couple on the street. Then, one day Aubrey had to go out and get some groceries leaving her husband at home for about an hour. When she came back, she saw a pair of heels by the door but, they weren't hers. As she got closer to the door, she could hear her husband snoring, she opened the door slowly when she saw him asleep in bed but, there was a woman laying next to him. No, not any woman, her best friend. She closed the door silently and sat in the living room her cries quiet. She went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife from its holder and started walking to the bedroom. She hid the knife behind her back and opened the door, she turned on the light and there her husband was wide awake. He pleaded for her to understand but, her vision turned red, in rage and hatred. When her vision was cleared up her hands were the same red that had originally blinded her. Benedict and her once best friend lay on the bed their faces barely visible past all the blood. She looked down at her hands and knew she was a disgrace to do anything so terrible. She walked out to the garage and grabbed the jumper cables. She went to her closet in the bedroom and said her final "I love you" to her husband before, hanging herself in the closet. When the police arrived at the house after a noise complaint they were astounded by the sight before them.

But, that's as far as the story goes. Besides, that was over 70 years ago. But anyone who walked into the house had died a horrible death afterwords. The police had died in a serious housefire not to long after, the first set of teenagers were found in the house their bodies contorted in inhuman ways. I remember seeing my friends walk in the house I never saw them again and yet, I blame myself, I should've stopped them, but I didn't

"Julie" a mysterious voice came from the house. I walked towards the door. It sounded like Laura but, she was dead. I walked to the porch touching the doorknob and backing away knowing it was just the houses hunger for another victim.

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