1) After Clary

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His feet stomped at the thought of him. His stomach lurched as he recollected them.But his heart fell at the sight of her. "How could Clary betray me this way"? Simon couldn't watch as Clary wrapped herself into Jace's arms,returning his kiss with a passionate one of her own, "the kiss she wanted most". How could she betray him in such a way, after all he had done for her, how could she throw all they had? Simon stumbled through the park, eyes cast out onto the grass,dragging himself and his wet clothes towards home. He would never be one of them, he was just a mundane, and Clary would one day forget about everything they ever were. Staring up at the moon, Simon's anger tinted the bright rays the shade of Clary's hair.The events if the day had entirely worn out Simon's tired mundane body,but he still felt an inhuman energy dragging his body on, pulling him. The dreams came many nights in a row; visions of the hotel Dumort, the vampires there and especially the smiling face of Raphael, the most brutal vampire of them all. Images of blood and death scoured Simon's mind, sending him into an almost hallucinating state. Simon's imagination worked strongest at night, a magic that kept pulling him out of bed and stretching his eyes wide open. Sometimes, Simon would wake in a frenzied state, causing him to covet returning to the cursed hotel even more than Clary's affection. That night, when self-effacing hatred marked the land at which Simon stood, he decided to do just that.

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