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Date: 10/13/12

Hello to all Halo fans out there *waves*

I am SMspartan :) and I started this book for all fans who want to talk about Halo, MAINLY on the new game Halo 4.

Each part is a different discussion, you can choose which ever one you would like to participate in.

Ideas on topics:

Master Chief armor




Expectations of Halo 4

Reviews on:

-Foward Unto Dawn Episodes


-Halo 2

-Halo 3

-Halo ODST

-Halo Reach

(these are ones people can leave in the comments brow and if many want to discuss one, I wil add a part just for it)

[Halo 4 reviews will come soon (each level)..]

Enjoy and read what people have to say! ;D

Ps. Might respond to your comments and/or continue ;)

Halo 4 DiscussionsWhere stories live. Discover now