Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to You who has clicked on my story!

Wow.... my first chapter got deleted somehow.... I'm uploading it again.

Chapter 1: Am I Crazy?

What's the weirdest thing that can happen on a normal Saturday night? You have to be a genius to understand this problem. I think I'm crazy! Cuckoo... is that normal? Just read on and you will understand.

My name is Hazel and I somehow know that this night is not one that a normal teenager experiences in her life. On Saturday, I had nothing to do. All homework was finished; I went on facebook, I played with my brother, so I decided to take a shower.

I had just finished taking a shower and I went to brush my very curly hair that would suddenly frizz up if I do not comb it soon. I got my comb and headed straight for the bathroom. I grabbed my favourite hair band that I recently named Mikayla as she was given to me by my best friend Vira. This hair band has a big pink bow and blue hearts all around it.

I can never choose which way I should wear it; pulling back all the hair, or just part of the hair. "Which way shall I wear it Hazel. This way... or this way?" suddenly I heard myself say, "Of course that way. Don't you know me at all?" I jumped. Suddenly goose bumps came all over my arm. Why did I say that? Or was it me? I don't remember talking. I looked up and saw. My reflection was talking! I just stared at myself hard, and harder. "Aaaah!" That was me screaming.

My reflection just tried to grab me, but it just couldn't get past the glass. Staring at my mirror, I realized that my heart rate suddenly became very high. I could feel it without even touching my chest. Worrying and softly sobbing I went outside and fell on my bed.

Then I remembered how tired I was yesterday. "I really need a nap!" I finally said. "This is just my tired mind playing tricks on me. I will get over it". Yet, somehow I couldn't help but feeling scared.

I couldn't sleep for a long time. I think I fell asleep at two in the morning. I just kept on listening to the tick-tock of the grandfather clock, downstairs. I don't know why, but it was kind of comforting to hear. I kept thinking about the way my reflection tried to grab me. Is this a normal felling? Does it happen? My worries followed me even when I fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up remembering all the previous night's events. "What a night!" For some reason, the sun makes me feel safe and warm. I felt silly when I thought about my reflection. It might have been all a part of that stupid dream last night. I went down to see Jason, my younger brother, getting sick all over the basin. He has a cold today. He is such an annoying, nosy person though. He is always sticking his nose into my private business. At least, I won't have to look for him after school. And also, Humza has afterschool today. So I guess I can go home alone.

At school, I arrived early and I wanted to tell my best friends about last night to see their reaction. So I went to look for Vira. She wasn't there. Vira is my bestest friend ever. I tell her everything! I knew her since year six. We both have a lot in common. Though she has such a wicked sense of humour we end up rolling on the floor with laughter.

Then I went to look for Amelia. Amelia is another of my friends. She can be soooo fun and comforting but sometimes she is just a bit perverted. She wasn't there either. "Where is everyone," I sighed while looking for Daisy. She wasn't there either!

All three of them turned out to be absent. This will be a boring day. I guess this means I have no one to hang out with. No fun, no laughing, just work, work. "Great! Just great! The only day they three are absent, is today, all on the same day!"

The day passed by so slowly, that I cannot remember what happened in first period. Was it math, or Arabic? At least it is the last period now. Now we have French. Miss Isabella is really nice. She is such a linguist. She knows like 10 different languages or something.

I ended up sitting next to Noah, Alex, and Jake. At least that was a good start to the day... because I am guilty of liking all of them. Like like like! Get it? I sat down and we started talking. Miss Isabella luckily gave us a free lesson. See, I told you she was nice. Now I can tell them about my dreaded reflection. I finally told them about the reflection. "Whoa that's just weird" said Noah. "Tell me about it" sighed Jake. But the weird thing was, Jake looked like he had a déjà vu... something was up.

"What's wrong Jake, something bothering you? It looks like you've seen a ghost." I said. "No, I just didn't do my homework that's all. You know me right!" after he said this I felt a little comforted but I knew something was still wrong.

"To take your mind off things, can you come to the black forest, you know where, please....? Alex pleaded. "Yeah!!" said the others. "It will be fun, come on...for me? Come at midnight, please...?" begged Jake trying to change the subject. "Okay fine, I'll come."

I was more than thrilled. Basically there is a dark forest that me and my friends meet at. There is a special place that we go to just to hang out. We usually go at midnight as it seems spookier. Also to let you know, the one I like the most out of all of them is Jake, and the weird thing is that he knows it, but he doesn't know it. Get it? Of course you don't.

Finally the bell rang and I was free to go home. Obviously I had homework but not as much as usual. I went to get my books. When I went to my locker, Jake ran over and said "it's awesome that you are coming, we have something very special planned..." I blushed and said "yeah! It will be great, thanks." I got my books and went downstairs.

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