An Endless Battle

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She lived an ordinary life
Where her life was crippled by the darkness in strike

She had big dreams and hopes
Which was taken away by the people of society by ropes

She was considered inferior to men
Where there was not a single evidence proving this, from one to ten

She was ordered to obey the men
Where she was deprived of paper and pen

She was crying for education like a hopeless soul
Where not a single soul guided her to the path of her goal

She was living dead, hungry of knowledge and wisdom
Where she was treated like a slave,by the men in the kingdom

She struggled to get out of this war
Where she was exile in her own world in every hour

She always faced struggles like a river with a barrior
Where she never gave up in life like a true warrior

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2019 ⏰

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