I am me ~ Greeke

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In this, all three boys are together. What is that ship name? Greeke? Breorge?

Whenever Blake looked at himself in the mirror he would always feel disappointed in himself. Not because he thought he was ugly or fat it was the fact that he wore what society told him what belongs on a boy's body even though whenever the went to the mall he found the women's clothing far more pretty and he always had the urge he would feel good in them. The few times he had worn a dress before was when he was a kid and his Abbie would dress him in gowns and tiaras, it was all for fun but Blake felt more comfortable in those clothes than in his ripped jeans and a button-down shirt. It was always hard to go to the mall as he had to pretend to be interested and pick out things he didn't want and he had to not look in the women's section no matter how hard he tried because he was in a band now and he didn't want to embarrass his boyfriends by wearing something that will attract attention. However, unknown to Blake both George and Reece both took notice of their youngest boyfriends' discomfort and they were desperate to show him that they loved him no matter what and didn't care what anyone would say about them.

Today, however, the three boys were in London on a day off and the boys really needed to get some clothes shopping done as the tour was in a few days and they needed a wardrobe change.

So here the boys were in the uber as Reece was sat in the front and Blake was curled into Georges's side in the back seat ignoring the looks the driver was glancing at them. As usual, Blake was slightly stressed to go shopping as nothing ever felt right on him and he always wanted to pick out stuff he actually wants but never does out of fear. But he was so glad he was able to spend the day off with his boyfriends.

The car pulled up at the mall and the trio stepped out Blakes hand locked with Georges and he reached out to take Reeces as well not caring about what the looks he would get as he stood safely in between his two boyfriends.

The boys walked into the mall and headed and instead of heading to the usual stores they would go to his boyfriends tugged him in the other direction and they walked into a store with mostly women clothing.

Blake stopped in his tracks.

"What?" Blake question as he felt his heart pumping in his chest as he looked at his two boyfriends who were looking at him with smiles on their faces.

"Today is about you, my love, let us get you something you want and something you will look so beautiful in," Reece said as he let go of Blake's hand and walked into the shop fearless of the looks he might get. Blake felt a small smile form onto his face as his fears vanished as well and he leads himself and George into the shop where he was able to pick out clothes he actually likes.


"Let us see it, baby," George spoke up as him and Reece stood outside the changing room as they waited for Blake to get dressed, the store was giving them some weird looks but other than that leaving them alone some even tried to help them.

Blake took a deep breath as he looked at himself in the mirror took in the outfit that he himself had picked out and broke out into a full grin. Blake was dressed in a light pink shirt that went down to his knees and a black crop top that showed only a strip of his skin. He felt his smile get impossibly wider as he finally felt good.

So with a burst of confidence, he opened the dressing room door and let his boyfriends take in his new outfit.

Reece, at sight of Blake, sucked in a deep breath Blake looked so confident which made Reece feel like the happiest person in the world.

"Stunning," Reece mumbled but it was heard by the two boys and Blakes's face flushed as he felt Reece eye his whole body. But he never stopped smiling.

"I don't think we can let you out of the house like that, everyone will want you," George said with a tone of protectiveness in his voice which made Blake's heart flutter.

"You guys really think it is okay that I wear women's clothes?" Blake questioned again. It would crush him if he found out his boyfriends were just saying things to him. As sad as it is wearing clothes like this really puts himself as a big target and he never wants to put Reece and George in unwanted attention.

"Of course it is Blake we don't care how you dress and whoever said these are women's clothes? Wear what you want." George said as he walked forward and cupped Blake's face and pecked his forehead lightly.

"Yeah Blakey lets keep that pretty smile on your face," Reece commented as he joined the huddle.

"Thanks, boys, I love you," Blake said now more confident than ever before as he knew he had two supportive boyfriends and their opinions were far more important than someone who doesn't even know him.  



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