Am I trying? I like to think so {Destiel}

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Demon Dean Au - Sorry that this isn't the best I just wanted to write

"Oh Castiel." the demon hummened leaning closer. His hand lifted, fingers dragging slowly down the side of castiel's face. "The poor angel that loved someone who could not love him back." The demon sang taking another step closer, followed by a second. Now close enough that Castiel could smell the alcohol off his lips, and feel the heat of his breath.

He looked just like Dean, if it wasn't for the black that hid Dean's green eyes. His hair was done the same, short and spiked up, his usual black t-shirt clung to his chest, and an open flannel overtop. Across his nose the smallest splatter of freckles. So tiny yet so many that no matter how much time Castiel put into it he never could count them all.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Castiel defended

The demon let out a bitter laugh, "You've never been a good liar." With that the demon brought back his hand across Castiel's face. Sending him to the ground. His finger gazed across where he'd been hit, the skin hot and sensitive. If he'd had his grace it wouldn't have hurt, but now he was useless, only meant as a distraction.Castiel pulled himself into a seated position.

"You thought he cared about you." A kick came to Castiel's chest, leaving him gasping for air as he crumbled back to the ground. "You thought you had a chance?" Another kick came, followed by a third. Each crashing into his ribs. His body burned in pain, barely seeming able enough to take one more hit, and with each one that came Castiel wished more and more that one would simply kill him. "I've been in his head! I know him better than anyone else!" The demon spat. Through his blurred vision Cas could see Sam sneaking up from behind, the demon blade in one hand, and handcuffs in his other. "He never wanted you, He never loved you."

With those last words Sam brought the blade down.

The demon raised his hand at the same second, freezing Sam's hand, before the youngest Winchester was sent flying to the far wall. The demon blade sliding across the wood floor. "Tsk Tsk Samuel." The demon sung. He turned away from Castiel, and walked across the bar to where Sam laid. "I thought you learned your lesson in Lawrence."

With as much strength as Castiel could muster he pushed himself into a standing position, and limped to the demon blade. With the blade in hand he stood up properly, vision still blurred as he focused on the demons back.

It was selfish of him but he had wanted Sam to do it, drive the blade through Dean's stomach, which would kill both him and the demon. Cas didn't trust himself to do it. He wasn't strong enough to watch the life fade from Dean's forest green eyes. Feel the way his body would go limp in Castiel's arms. He didn't trust himself to be able to kill the man he loved.  A sob rang through Castiel's ears as the demon kicked Sam's head.

Castiel glanced to the blade one last time before staggering a foot steps forward, and plunging the blade into Deans lower back.

Orange flickered across Dean's body, the demon screaming until Castiel removed the blade. It immediately fell from his hands, quickly replaced by Dean's body that had began to crumble.

"Dean?" Castiel sobbed. He pressed a shaking hand to Dean's forehead, brushing away the strands of hair that had fallen out of place. In the path he left a small trail of blood, that contrasted against Dean's pailing skin. "Dean."

His friends eyes barely flickered open, but enough that Castiel could see the bright green that he'd missed so much. "I'm so sorry." He sobbed again. His grip around Dean tightened as he felt him slip from his arms. Castiel's own legs threatened to crumbled under him, though at that moment he couldn't care less.

Dean's shaken hand lifted, cupping Castiel's cheek. It was the same hand, yet so different from the demons. So innocent, so sweet, an act, that in any other circumstances, would have had Castiel's heart fluttering in adoration. Dean weakly pulled himself closer to Castiel, until their lips met.

"Thank you." Dean choked out, tears rolling down his cheeks.

Castiel pulled the other into a hug, sobbing into Dean's shoulder. He prayed to every god he could, every angel, whether they were hunting him or not, though no one came. And when Castiel pulled away, heart numb, crushed under the weight of life, Dean's body had gone limp.

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