whoop whoop

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The rain clung to the window as Delaney woke. She shut off her alarm and got out of bed, feeling ever groggy. Sounds of cookware clunked about the halls as she made her way to the kitchen. Meredith had decided to attempt breakfast again this morning.

"You know that you don't have to cook, it's not like I've got the time to eat before school," Delaney spoke, popping some bread into the toaster. "And I'll just have to clean it later."

Meredith hummed to herself, focusing on the bacon while the eggs were burning. "You could always take some with you." She said softly.

Delaney looked around the kitchen, taking a mental note of the dirty bowls and pans she would have to go through. She ate her toast quickly. "I don't have the time to eat, and it'll go bad by the time I do. Thanks anyways, Mary." She paced back to her bedroom and pulled on her clothes and grabbed her bag. Running out of the house she started down the hill towards the road, yelling a greeting as she passed the gardener.

Andre was at the road waiting for her, joining her towards the bus stop. "Did you study for the history test? Because I sure didn't."

Delaney snorted at him. "The history test is next week Andre, the math test is today."

"Noooooo." He groaned. "At least the history test is multiple choice. I am gonna bomb this so bad, D!"

"Well then maybe you should pay attention in Mr. Boxten's class, shouldn't you." She laughed at him, rolling her eyes. "At least he said he wasn't going to do any word problems so we don't have to deal with that."

They climbed onto the bus and sat near the back. "Well, you could always let me cheat off of you."

"Not happening." She tsked back.

Andre groaned and poked her. "I can't believe my own bestie is gonna let me fail. And to think I got you out of going to the auditorium on Thursday."

"You know that place gives me the creeps," Delaney replied. "Didn't you hear that story about the old English teacher. I seriously don't wanna know if it's true."

"Oh come one, there is no way they'd let us in there if something actually fell and crushed someone."

"Andre, I don't want to think about it." She said, standing as the bus stopped at the drop-off zone.

"You'd think the kid from the grave-keeping family would be more comfortable with death." Andre teased her.

"Oh, come on. You know it doesn't bug me. But I don't want to die either, Andre." She rolled her eyes, her stomach feeling queasy. "You don't get it though."

"Then explain it to me." He grumbled.

Delaney looked at him incredulously, kicking the snow off her shoes. "Andre... if I told you..." she said, getting close to him and whispering. "I'd have to kill you." She managed, laughing.

"Knock it off, you weirdo." He chuckled, shoving her. "We're gonna be late to class."

Nov 23 19Where stories live. Discover now