The hunt

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Gene is at home with his girlfriend name Mariah and they are on the couch watching movies Gene notices that the front door is open Gene asks Mariah did you leave the door open Mariah answers back no I didn't did you Gene gets up and asks did you see that I think I saw something move in the kitchen Mariah answers back no I didn't see it and Jean grabs a stick from underneath the couch and is ready for a fight just then a loud noise comes from upstairs Gene says let's go outside and get in the car Mariah agrees when they get outside they notice that the car tires have been slashed and Gene explains called the police Mariah answers back okay so much for our cuddle time as Mariah pulled out her phone a man emerges from the front door Gene hold onto his stick tightly and asks Mariah to stand behind him she says okay be careful then the man charges Jean and Gene hits the man in the legs causing the man to fall over and Mariah says that her phone is dead and Gene says my phone's upstairs go get it she rushes upstairs to find genes phone genius did you find it all right answers back no I didn't as Mariah is searching for the phone another man emerges in the room and punches Mariah in the face making Mariah stagger and she leans on to a wall meanwhile Gene is outside and he knocks out the man on the ground as he walks into the house he hears something fall and he rushes upstairs to see a man fixing to hit Mariah with a steel pipe Gene quickly rushes over and grabs the pipe before he can hit Mariah with it and Gene hits the man over the head with the pipe knocking him out then teen sees the bruise on his face and he says angrily that son of a b**** Mariah says please don't do it I'm fine I promise Mariah then finds Gene phone and calls the police Mariah says the police will be here 15 minute stop are you okay asked Gene Mariah just staggering with her words yes I'm fine Gene replies I don't think you are he hit you pretty hard Mariah then starts to tremble and almost Falls but Gene catches her and puts her on the bed then Gene looks out the window and sees the man that was on the ground outside is now gone Sirens start to Blair in the background and the Man in the room starts to wake up Gene asks Mariah do you want to get some Revenge and Mariah says yes hand me that pipe right there jean passes her the pipe and Mariah hits the man over the head knocking him unconscious again just then the police start knocking on the door Gene says we're up here and the police Rush up to the room and asks if we're okay and starts to arrest the man Gene says yeah we're fine but he hit my girlfriend here and the police ask do you want to press charges Mariah says we definitely do as police leave Gene locks the front door and rushes back up to his room where his girlfriend is and he finds that his girlfriend is asleep so he goes to sleep as well the next morning Mariah wakes up and looks over at Gene and kisses him and then she goes to the bathroom to look at the bruise on her face as she is doing that Gene wakes up and finds that Mariah is gone and he asks quietly Where Are You Mariah and then he hears that the sink in the bathroom is running so he sneaks to the bathroom door and opens it and asks Mariah if she's okay Mariah answers no my face hurts Gene replies there's some medicine in the cabinet and he points out to her Mariah then takes the medicine and starts to walk back into the room and Mariah asks why do those Men attack us Gene says I don't know but maybe it was them Mariah asks who's them Gene looks at Mariah and says there's something you don't know about me

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2019 ⏰

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