Chapter 1: The most eventful day so far

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It's Saturday, July 12, and I wake up. How terrible. I go to the bathroom and take a shower. The water feels refreshing on my face. Summer sucks. Almost all my friends are all off doing fun stuff and I'm at home, basically alone.

After I take a shower, I walk back to my room and get dressed. My T-shirt is too big, and my jeans are torn and stained. That's my style. My mom always says I look homeless, but I think this suits me. My mom seems like she knows nothing about me, and thinking about this makes me feel like an angsty teen. Like "I only shop at Hot Topic and I listen to evanescence. It's not a phase mom." Haha, I could never be like that. I love my mom, heck, she's a single mom and got me a car when I turned 16, we've just drifted apart since I came out.

"Of course you're non binary, you're a Gen Z kid, you just want to be special." My mom said to me. She's mad at me still, even though I came out in December. However, she still let me get binders and started calling me "August" instead of "Amarah." Well, I haven't even found out my sexuality yet, so she better start preparing for that. I think I might like girls. We're getting there, August.

Speaking of liking girls, I get a text from Taylor. I think she likes me. She came out as lesbian in Freshman year, and now, we're about to be Seniors. "Hey, what's up?" I almost respond "Eating a sandwich, but I'd much rather be eating you. ;)" before deciding, NO NO NO DON'T SEND THAT. I instead type "Nothing, you?" I wait anxiously for her response.

I really wanna hang out with her, since she's the only person I know that isn't on vacation right now. Ding, she texted back. "Same. I'm so bored tho. Wanna hang out?" AMAZING. SHE READ MY MIND.

"Yeah sure, what do you wanna do?"

"Wanna hang out at Target and waste all our money that we earned off of our summer jobs?" She says.

"Only if we get Starbucks first." I text back.


I picked her up in my beat up, blue, 2012 Toyota Corolla, and she looks beautiful. Her hair is about to her stomach, light brown and dyed light blue at the tips. Her round wire glasses almost covering up the freckles on her face, and her eyes, a stunning green color. She's wearing bleached blue jean shorts, that barely cover the birthmark on her thigh, and a light pink T-shirt. She isn't wearing any makeup, other than some rose pink lip gloss.

"Hey August!" She shouts. Her saying my name alone makes me blush. Once she got in the car, I immediately started playing her favorite song. I however, only knew this because of the fact that I stalked through her Facebook until I saw her favorite song on a post from 2016. At least she was happy.

"Where should we go first?" I asked

"Starbucks, obviously!"

And to Starbucks we went. She got a Java Chip Frappuccino, and I got a Nitro Cold Brew with Sweet Cream, and we both got cake pops. I paid, and next it was time for a fashion show at Target.

We both got some clothes, shoes, etc. She got shorts, girly T-shirts, and some sandals. I got some over sized shirts, as usual, jeans, and some converse. We looked like a couple. Almost.

"I like your converse, they look good on you. Then again, almost everything looks good on you." she said.

"Are you... hitting on me?" I asked, flustered and blushing.

"I don't know, am I?"

I swear to god, in that moment, she was flirting with me.

We went to lunch at a cute looking place we found, and turns out, the owner let their AMAZINGLY ADORABLE CAT walk around. That cat was royalty, so Taylor and I treated him as such.

Taylor asked me, out of the blue, if I was interested in girls.



Then she invited me over to stay the night. I didn't even ask my mom before saying yes. We drove over to my house for some clothes for tonight, and secretly I was hoping I wouldn't have to wear them.

We get to her house and we sit down

"What do you want to do?" I ask.

"I don't know."

"Wanna watch a movie?"

"What if we" she asked curiously.

"Sure." I responded.

And we talked. About stupid stuff, past crushes, the meaning of life, what happens when we die, and how we wanna die. Who we want to be with, and who we don't. For about an hour we sat, talking, and suddenly, she kissed me.

That kiss was my first. At 17 years old, I, August Hayes, have decided, that I am a non-binary lesbian.

She suddenly pulled away. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that, I just-" and she was suddenly cut off, as I kissed her again.

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