When the Cold Brew Hits

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Hello, my name is Tyme. And this is your daily reminder that the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game is an absolute dumpster fire right now and that Maxx C can come back to three.

I mean, don't get me wrong, the game is still fun. It's still Yu-Gi-Oh! as its been since 2017, which is either good or bad depending on how much you hate Master Rule 4. It's just that you have some relatively fair meta decks like Salads or Striker, and then you have garbage like Thunder that doesn't really need to exist.

I honestly don't understand how Thunder isn't dead yet. Same with Striker, but at least Striker got hits and has certain... Redeeming qualities.

Ignoring my (somewhat) perverted comment, trust my judgment. I know a lot about this game. A little too much. I've been playing for a little over two years, and I know that I haven't been playing nearly as long as other people have, so shut up. My overall thoughts of the meta are as follows:

Striker - You can stay, I guess.

Salads - Don't let the flame die out.

Orcust - You cool. You real cool.

Pendulum - Okay, Pendulum player.

Thunder - Die.

And yeah, I am very biased. Get used to that right now.

Because you're going to be hearing from me at least once a day (i hope).

Now go enjoy the rest of your Sunday. Goodbye.

~ Tyme

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