Going away present

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You had a hard time saying goodbye, so maybe that's why Bakugo left early in the morning. He left you with a kiss on the forehead and some of your favorite candies on the bed stand. Without him there, the bed was colder. It was times like these when you didn't like that he was a hero. Long missions, hard times, accidents, injuries. You hadn't minded so much when you got together, but it got harder to deal with.

But reading the note that he left you that simply said "Love you, be back soon" made you smile. It reminded you of the lovely night you had spent together. A night of passion and love. His warm hands held you close, his lips kissed more than your lips, he was in your ear telling you about how much he loved you. You held onto him as he thrust into you. It was the most passionate you had every witnessed him to be. Slow with hard hitting thrusts. You stayed like that for who knew how long. And when you were finally finished, he kissed your head and held you close.

You stayed in bed for hours just so you could still smell him. Doing anything that made you think of him was nice for a while. It quickly wore off. You were sad without him there, but not willing to admit it. It wasn't as if this was the first time he had gone away on a long mission, but this was certainly the longest time he would be away.

As you started to feel down, you started feeling sick. You were nauseous at odd hours of the day, you had some cramps, you were a little pale. You immediately set up an appointment to see a doctor and you could have lost your mind in that room. You were sure that you were hearing things wrong because you weren't ready for the news.

"You're pregnant."

You had to be sure you heard him right. Pregnant? You? And now? With Bakugo away? The two of you hadn't so much of thought about having kids, never talked about it. Now you had a little baby growing inside you. When you asked the doctor about how far along you were, the dates lined up perfectly with the last night you'd spent together. Bakugo had left you more than a note and some candy, he'd left you a little something more.

You spent weeks trying to get in contact with him. You phoned his agency, saying that you couldn't tell them but you had to talk to Bakugo. It was important, but they'd never give you his location or any way to contact him. You were crushed. You just wanted to tell you fiancé that he was going to be a father. But apparently that wasn't a good enough excuse.

You eventually came to terms with it. He was probably somewhere you couldn't even reach him, working the important case that was of great importance. It was a lot from what you understood, but what you really grasped from it was that he was going to be gone for four months. Four months you'd spend alone growing another human being.

You weren't entirely alone. Kirishima, per Bakugo's orders and his duty as your friend, would come to see you. When he wasn't working, he'd take you out to lunch or just hang out with you at home. He was such a good friend to keep you company, but you couldn't hide your status from him for long. He eventually started noticing the way your clothes seemed to fit tighter, but he never said anything. So when you saw him eyeing you out of the corner of your eye, you sighed and sat with him and told him.

"Whoa, really?" He was excited. His smile was so infectious that you were able to smile about it too.

"Yeah," you told him and lifted your shirt. You had begun showing a few weeks before and you had started officially documenting everything. Selfies in the mirror, doctors documents, facts you learned online. You started looking online for everything you needed. At that point it was really beginning to feel real.

"Does Bakugo know?" With that question, your smile died. You tucked some hair behind your ear.

You looked at Kiri, tears in your eyes. "No one will let me talk to him. I can't even send him a letter or a text. He doesn't know and I feel so horrible for it." You couldn't help but feel selfish and lonely. "I have to go through this alone and I don't even know if he's even coming home or alive."

Katsuki Bakugo X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now