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        Y/N didn't really liked how her boyfriend Bernald was always spending time at Tim's (2P!Finland). Currently Y/N was spending time at her friend's house. Y/N was upset that Bernald never really paid attention to her.

        "Diana, I just don't understand! Why doesn't he ever pay attention to me!!" Y/N started crying. Diana really felt bad.

        "Come on now Y/N. Everything is going to be alright. Now let it all out." Diana tried her best to cheer Y/N up, but she to only cry harder. Y/N couldn't take this anymore.

        "Hey, Diana I'm going home now bye." Y/N said. Diana smiled and waved bye to her. On the way back Y/N broke down into tears again. Luckily she had her hoodie and glasses so she could cover her self up. Y/N's house wasn't that far from her friend's. Y/N fished out her key's out of her purse and approached her door. When she unlocked the door she yelled her boyfreind's name. No response.

        'Hmm... I guess he still not here.' Y/N thought with tears running down her cheeks. That was the last straw! Y/N quickly walked to the kitchen took out a knife and got a piece of paper. Y/N started grinning like a mad man. That's right. She was going to end it for once and for all. Y/N went upstairs to the bathroom.

        She put the piece of paper on the counter top. Suddenly Y/N stabbed herself in her stomach. She cringed at the pain. Shakily Y/N took her finger and got some blood on it. She started to write on the piece of paper. Once she was done, she grinned. Y/N started stabbing herself repeatedly.

        Sob's could be heard from the bathroom. Once she was done stabbing herself in her stomach, Y/N took the knife and stabbed her herself in the throat. Blood was splattered all over the mirror and the counter top. Y/N fell to the floor.

        Bernald came back from Tim's place. Honestly it's not really he was just avoiding her, it's just he never got to spend time with his best friend. When he came home, Bernald yelled Y/N's name. No response.

        'Huh? I guess she is still at Diana's house.' He thought. Suddenly a foul smell caught him of guard. That foul smell was coming for upstairs. Bernald followed it, only to come at the bathroom door. He noticed that there was blood seeping through the bottom of the door. Bernald open the door only to see his beloved girlfriend laying, there on the cold floor, with blood surrounding her. Tears streamed down his cheeks. Bernald noticed a note was laying on the counter top with blood on it. The note read:

        Dear, Bernald,

If you reading this, I'm already dead. I couldn't take it anymore! Your always at Tim's house. And yes I'm jealous of him. You never payed any attention to me. So therefore I decided to kill myself. I love you Bernald, I truly do but you never showed me that you love me. This is the last time that you will ever hear from me.

                                                                        Goodbye Bernald. Love, Y/N        



Hi guy's! Diana is here! I thought why not write a 2P!Nordic x Reader story, because they never get that much attention. So I'm really sorry that I haven't been posting any stories! I had no idea what to write! So yesterday I really bad mindgrane, so I got sent to the hospital. There I got hooked up on an IV! Honestly it wasn't that bad but still I'm really scared of needle's. Well thank you reading my story, please don't forget to:





Goodbye... Forever (2P!Sweden x Reader oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now