When Our Eyes Met

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  It's the summer of 2019 and Tyler goes out for a nice swim with his best friend, Josh. In the corner of his eye, he spots a figure that appears to be a tiny gremlin whore. Tyler thinks to himself, "what a sexy beast", as he continues to walk down the hot pavement and slip himself in the cool water, avoiding eye contact with the little monster, just in case it appears obvious that the gremlin figure has caught his attention. But, something about him is just attracting Tyler more and more to him, like he should be friends with him..or even a little more. He contemplates looking in the direction of the little guy, but when he finally does, he's so glad that he did. As their eyes locked, Tyler felt as if he was being drawn closer and closer to him. His dark eyes were sparkling in the scorching hot sun in a way that Tyler just couldn't put into words. They were gentle and had a welcoming feeling in them.  But, behind that welcoming feeling, Tyler could sense a little more, he just couldn't quite put his finger on what it was. He knew he needed to work up the courage to talk to him, but he just couldn't. He thought to himself, "What would a man like that want with a lunatic like me? All I do is sit in my room and scream out my feelings into a song..I'm too quirky, not like anything he would ever want.." Josh being his best friend noticed Tyler's sudden gloomy demeanor and asks him what's bothering him. Without even answering, Josh realizes from Tyler's quick glance from the small dwarf like monster to his eyes, that Tyler is drawn to him. Like there's a connection between the two. "Tyler, stop being a coward. You're acting like a total slimeball, just go over and have a nice chat with him." Tyler looked shocked and a bit offended at how Josh had worded his advice, but took it anyways. He starts to kind of tip toe towards him, when he stumbles over a pebble in the bottom of the pool. Tyler freezes, but he relaxes a bit more and plays it off when he sees the beast kind of smirk to himself and giggle a bit. Tyler nervously laughs along to make the situation a little less awkward for him. He climbs out of the swimming pool and strokes his wet hair. He introduces himself, "Salutations fren. My name is Tyler, and yours..?" He thinks to himself, "Salutations, seriously? You have got to be kidding me." To his surprise, the gremlin looking guy actually spoke fluent English. "My name is Nedward, but you can call me Ned." Tyler liked how his name felt in his mouth, short and simple but somehow sweet. "Well Ned, how would you like to accompany me at a restaurant of your choice tomorrow at 6? It'll be on me." Without even thinking about what Ned had planned for that evening, he agrees and smirks. Tyler loves the way his nose scrunches and eyes twinkle when he does that. How adorable can one be? "Taco Bell isn't really formal, but I really enjoy their food, if that's alright with you of course." Ned exclaimed. "So you're a man of culture, I see." Tyler grinned. "I'll meet you there at 6, meanwhile, I've got to get going. Though I would love to get to know more about you, I have somewhere I have to be. I'm sure we will have plenty of time tomorrow to chat." Tyler stated. "Of course, Tyler. Can't wait." He sort of strutted away and motioned for Josh to come along, who was still swimming in the pool. Josh dried the water droplets off his body that was wrinkled from being in that pool for what felt like forever while Tyler and Ned talked. They got in the warm car, buckled their seatbelts (because safety first), which burned both of their sides, and attempted to turn on the car radio. "Oh yeah..guess we'll just sit in silence" Josh said. And so they did, although there was so much to talk about, so much running through Tylers mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2019 ⏰

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