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Its wonderful how we are born as innocent children with no knowledge of the true world that surrounds us. We have no knowledge of the monsters and atrocities that occur in our planet, we are born only to one day loose that innocence. Some of us loose the innocence earlier than others, some are lucky enough to watch it and not experience it.
My name is Natasha and unfortunately for me my innocence was stolen. I was born in Mexico and at the age of two i was brought the the United States, California. I was raised here in Pomona, the ghetto, with my two parents and my handicap brother. I suppose life was good .... that is until the beginning of my end happened. My life was good up until when I recall where i started hating my life. My parents where always more focused on my brother Arthur, he had cerebral paralysis and Epilepsy, he often got seizures which i witnessed since I can remember. I recall how one time at the age of four my parents took him to the hospital because he had a seizure and forgot me at home. I was so jealous and desperate for their attention i started faking seizures to see if they would give me attention as well, I also witnessed how they would stick needles on my big brother and I would go home and do the same to my stuffed animals, I had parents and yet it felt like I didn't. I got help and understood that my brother would always be number one on their list and that there was nothing I could do about it, I gave up trying to seek out for my parents, I knew i had to grow up alone.
Besides the fact that I was alone my parents belonged to a strict religion that didn't allow me to do many things, I followed only cause I felt obliged, not because my heart was in it. I hated it because i thought everyone was hypocrite and i still till present day believe it.
I was abused by a girl who's family assisted... she was the beginning of my hate, the beginning of my end.

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