chapter 2

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We were lost and alone in the middle of the jungle. We had to find our way out of here, it was dark and rainy. No one could see a thing. All we saw was long,big, mad trees that appeared to be about 30 feet high. All of us were huddled by a camp fire and were trying to figure out why we are lost because the map said that this was the  area where the tone would change and everything would drop and you can see the cornolistia (its a river that flows to a ocean that was once where the Egyptians drank from). Juju stood up and said "I think we should not give up just because we cant find it. We should keep looking and check the map some more because we may be missing a  spot. When we looked at the map I figured out that we missed the lucifracter because we needed one to open the gate to where the river starts and it said it may be here. 'We started digging but no one saw a thing  until we saw this magnificent purple glow under one of the tree branches. We picked it up and tested it to see if the gate opens. When the doors opened,"Ohhh Ohhhhh. AHHHHHHHH

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2019 ⏰

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