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"Come on, Aurelia, push!" Rebekah said. 17-year-old Aurelia shook her head, tears staining her cheeks. "Aurelia, you must! It will die otherwise..."

"...It hurts... it hurts so much." Aurelia whispered. "And Maurice is not here..." she closed her eyes, biting her lip in pain. She had no one to hold her hand during the process. "Please, 'Bekah, I can't. Not anymore..."

"Nik, stay out of this room!" Rebekah suddenly yelled. Aurelia's eyes shot open, and she saw Klaus enter the room, concern written all over his face.

"Aurelia..." He began, walking closer to her. She closed her eyes again, energy drained out of her, before she felt a pair of hands wrapped around her own. She looked up and saw Klaus, giving her a soft smile. "You can do this. You are brave and strong." His left hand gently stroked her damp blonde hair. "Maurice would tell you this."

She took a deep breath, turning towards Rebekah, who nodded once. She squeezed her eyes shut, and gritting her teeth, before she pushed one last time.

Waves and waves or relief overcame her as her head felt back onto the soft pillow. Her eyes began to close, as the world spun around her. "A girl." She heard Rebekah say, before her eyes opened ever so slightly to see Rebekah holding a tiny baby as she walked to her.

She bent over a little, showing the newborn's face to the mother, who smiled softly as her hand playing with the small fingers. "K-Karissa." She said. "Karissa Freya Parker." Klaus and Rebekah stared at her, smiles on their faces due to the middle name.

Aurelia looked behind Rebekah to see Elijah walk into the room, a small white bundle cradled in his arms. "Adam... Henrik... Parker," She said with slight difficulty, before looking back at her daughter. "Karissa... Freya... Parker."

She swallowed, before her eyes began to droop, and she felt her life drain out of her. Her head felt back onto the pillow, and her hand left Karissa to hang off the side of her bed.

Klaus' eyes widened in horror as he sped to her, holding her hand as he listened for a beating heart. "Aurelia!" He exclaimed, as Karissa began to wail loudly. "Aurelia!"

Her eyes shot open, and she softly gasped, looking at her surroundings. She sighed when she found herself in front of a dark brown door, at the entrance of a house.

Her grip on the flowers tightened considerably, as she felt jitters. She glanced at the sunflowers, before sighing. She didn't know what to get for the occasion.

She quickly straightened out her dress, and pushed her messy braid off her shoulder, before knocking on the wooden door. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, gathering all of her courage.

The door opened, revealing a face she never thought she'd see again. Blonde hair, blue eyes, full lips, she looked like her mother. She seemed a little older in terms of age, around 20 years old.

Those gray-blue eyes widened slightly at the sight of Aurelia, before a sense of warmth rushed into them. "Rissy?" Aurelia said softly, the flowers falling from her hand.

Karissa said nothing, but pulled her in for a bear hug. Aurelia was caught by surprise, but smiled nonetheless, wrapping her arms around her daughter.



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