Chapter 1: The proposal

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Jacqui's POV
It was a warm summer's night. Cassie and I were in a date at a fancy restaurant called tonight. I was sweating like mad because I was getting ready to propose to her that night."This is really nice of you Jack, but I must ask, what's the occasion?" Cassie asked."Well lets just say that I wanted to take you out tonight." I replied. We ate our food and walked to a nice grassy area near the base, where Cassie first asked me to be her girlfriend."This place brings back memories, doesn't it Jack?" She asked me again.

Jacqui:"Yeah Yeah, lots of memories."

Cassie:"Jack, are you ok? You seem a bit off."

Jacqui:"Off? PFTTT I'm just really nervous tonight."

Cassie:"Why's that? It's only me, and you normally act like this when I'm wearing a dress."

Jacqui:"Yeah, forgot we were wearing our gear today."

Beads of sweat began to grow on my forehead as I swiped it away with my hand. I moved closer to Cassie as we stared at the moons glistening white light."Well jack, I think I'm ready to head back to base, what do you think?" Cassie asked standing up."Wait Cassie, before we go, I want to ask you somthing." I said, Cassie raised an eyebrow, while I tried to pull out the ring without making it obvious."What is that something Jack?" She asked, I took a deep sigh and held her hands, she looked at me with a confused look as I smiled.

Jacqui:"Cass, ever since I met you when  we were 5 years old on the farm, I only thought we would be friends, but I see now, that, that was a lie."

Cassie:"Jacqui, what are you trying to say?"

Jacqui:"What I'm trying to say is."

I kneeled down in the grass pulling out the ring as Cassie covered her mouth with her hand, while the other still holding mine."Cassandra Carlton Cage, will you marry me?" I said with pride. Tears of joy ran down Cassie's face."Duhhh." She said, I stood up and hugged her, we stood there for hours crying our hearts out. Until we pulled away from our hug and shared a passionate kiss. All we had to do now, was tell our parents and friends the news. We made our way back to the base, trying not to make it obvious that we were crying. I let go of Cassie's hand as we walked away to tell people the good news.

Cassie's POV
I walked up to my mom with style, I sat down at a table she was at."Hey there honey, what's up."

Cassie:"Mom, I have great news!"

Sonya:"What is it?"

Cassie:"Well, you know me and Jacqui are together right?"



General Blade stood up from her chair, and held her head."What?!?!?!" She said out of breath. She came and hugged me, she jumped up and down, holding me tight."YOU BETTER BE KEEPING YOUR NAME!" She said with a mean stare."I will, maybe." I said as a joke, she raised and eyebrow."Ok ok, I won't change my name." I said back to her giggling. She hugged me so tight that she cracked my back, you could hear it pop."OH MY GOSH, DID I HURT YOU?!" She asked in a panic."No, you just cracked my back, it felt good." I replied, General Blade giggled."Well we have to prepare for the wedding don't we?" She asked me. I nodded my head, she laughed and walked off, I felt happy, I looked at the ring on my finger, Wow, I was getting, Married? How exciting.

Jacqui's POV
My heart was pounding still, I was off to tell my dad and Cassie's about our new engagement. Come on Jacqui, you got this, it's just your dad, and mister cage, nothing bad with those two right? As I saw them I walked up to them, loose, but shaky. My dad turned his attention towards me."Hey there sweetheart, how'd it go."

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