the actual story (KO

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I tried to convince myself that I loved her , well I do in a sense but she pisses me the fuck off way to much to even describe, I'm mean for fucks sakes she broke my god damn rib and I let her. My feelings were strong I felt the need to protect her but then she would crack one of those stupid ass jokes about horses or your bleeding ass and piss me off. I walk around the corner and across the street into the stark desolate part of central park.  i see the thin shadow sitting there shivering and then hear her sarcastic laugh that annoys the living shit out of me but i can't help but to adore. She pats the damp patch of grass next to her and throws me a smirk. I  hesitantly sit down next to her gripping the median sized pocket knife i have in my left hand. I rub my thumb up and down the dull unopened blade and breath in nervously. Out of the blue she throws her arms over takleing me and pinning me to the cold damp grass , i wiggle underneath her and she repays me with a sharp bite on my pale arm. I squeals and she smirks paying me with a complement

"How cute pepperoni ”

A wave of Anger rushes over me ,oh how mad it makes me when she comes up with those stupid nick names. I grab her arm and continue to wiggle until I've forced her to lie completely on her back with her arms pinned above her head with me on top of her. I stare at her roundish face and how the moon illuminates her greenish eyes and the the urge rushes over me. I lean down and press my lips to hers kissing her slowly and speeding up by the second , she bites your bottom lip and I squeal once again but i part my lips to let her tongue shove in. I continue to kiss her deeply , I start to run my hands up her shirt stopping short of her boobs. Your kisses are getting rougher and more intense. I got so into the moment I forgot why I was on this date in the first place , I was so deep into it I didn't realize that she had just flipped me over she parts from the kiss for a second and smirks roughly and whispers in your ear,

"I won asshole"

That statement forced you back into reality and made me remember why I was there. I went back in for a kiss well stretching my arm out to reach the pocket knife. Once I got ahold of I opened it and gave her one last deep kiss and took the knife and sliced it across her back. She made a sharp scream as blood poured out of her back , I pushed her off of me , i look down and see the amount of blood she's lost, I take out my phone and call my friend also known as your unknowing partner in crime.

"Hey L can you bring the horse over” you say

“sure hun why did you need it anyways" she said curiously

“youll see when you get here” I replied doubtingly

I hung up the phone and within the next 5 mins L came over with the horse. I took a deep breath whistled and ordered the horse to do something unremarkable. The horse ran forward and trampled the fragile broken figure lieing in the grass humbly.

“stitham I told you I was going to kill you with this god damn horse didn't believe me did you” I roughly claimed

The soft sobs ringed in your ears as she mumbled one last word


She immediately died after that , I stood there frozen realizing my actions when a sharp pain shot threw my stomach, I look down to see blood running down and onto the now blood stained grass. I look over to the right to see that my knife had disappeared , as soon as the knife was removed from my stomach I fell flat on the ground. With all the strength I had left in me  I turned my head to see a sobbing and non functioning L.

"You killed her , your guilty , you killed my best friend you asshole she has no right to die. Urgggfh ”she ranted out

"But then again I killed you , out of anger you still should be living I'm as guilty as you” she sobbed out

She turned the knife around and placed in carefully into her own stomach

"L no don't please don't" I  already caused enough trouble she was never met to die

"L , I love your my d....

(KO) dont trust your love ones....Where stories live. Discover now