first day of school

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i woke up from a terrible nightmare just before my annoying alarm clock rang. i slam my hand against it, silencing it. i rubbed my eyes, reflecting on my strange and horrifying dream. i cant believe i dreamt that i was being forced to eat shrimp on an island with an ugly middle aged man for the rest of my life!

anyways, i got up and got in the shower, rubbing my smooth, porcelain skin clean. i stepped out of the shower and wiped away the mist on the mirror. i gaze at my beautifully built body in awe. i had large triple d breasts, a thin waist, and a fat butt accompanyed by thick thighs. genetics had blessed me with naturally having the wonderously popular look of today.

as i look at myself i blush. i wonder if i'll get a boyfriend this year, i thought to myself. as stunningly beautiful as i was, i've never had a boyfriend. my mom always forced me to abstain from becoming infatuated with boys, but now that she was dead it didn't matter.

i needed the company of a strong, handsome boy. and i needed it soon...

i got to class just in time. first day and i was almost late! i slid into the only available seat, which i couldn't help but notice was surrounded by a boy on each side. an electric, bright blond to my left, ash blond in front of me, red hair to my right, and a half-red, half-white haired boy behind me. they were all so handsome and strong looking!

"hey there pretty lady, i'm kaminari!" the eccentric blond turned to me and held out his hand. i shook it with a smile

"i'm f/n l/n, pleased to make your acquaintance."

"hey you!" i heard from my other side, and turned to meet the face of the red haired boy close to mine. "i'm kirishima! what's up?"

i also shook his hand and smiled. the two boys who introduced themselves to me began talking to me at god knows what, because i wasn't paying attention. all i could think about was how incredibly handsome they were. suddenly, an aggravated voice cut them off.

"can you annoying extras shut the hell up!" the ash blond looked at the other two boys angrily. "you guys are so loud and annoying."

"the only loud and annoying one here is you, bakugo," the half red, half white hair boy now spoke up.

"oooo burn!" kaminari laughed, and bakugo turned to him with a death glare, instantly stifling his laughter.

"you wanna go, half n half bastard?" bakugo jumped up from his seat, glaring at the boy.

"perhaps," was all he said as he too stood up.

"guys, stop!" i stood up, holding my arms out to keep the two apart. all four boys looked at me. i begin to sing. i hit every key perfectly and beautifully and the boys all look at me in awe.

after finishing the song, i said "okay boys now sit down." and they do

my quirk is hypnosis, but i can only do it by singing. i'm basically a siren except i'm not secretly ugly i'm literally actually beautiful.

"amazing, you're so cool!" everyone else in the class stood up and clapped, and i took a bow.

aizawa then came into the classroom and forced everyone to settle down, and class begun for the day. but it was hard for me to focus, all i could think of was the cute boys who surrounded me and literally looked at me the entire time!

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