Chapter 4

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Cold air covered my thigh. And embarrassingly enough everyone was in the room with me.

"You're awake" a voice spoke closing the door

"Sadly" I spoke making them chuckle in amusement

"Why the fuck did you pass out, of all things you pass out over that" Jungkook spoke pissed off

"Okay chill out, obviously she wouldn't expect some gang shit coming from her own best friends....which I apologize about because now you're involved" Yoongi said shaking his head in anger

"What do you mean 'involved' I didn't do anything" I said looking around to catch Namjoon's eyes but he just looked at Tae expectedly

"Last night....was an important night Asia. And I'm sorry that we even brought you into this mess..coincidentally"




Jungkook's pov

"Is everything set and is he here" My eyes searched through the crowd seeing bodies dance and people pouring alcohol into already used cups

"Hobi said he'd contact me if there was any sign of him, so far there's been nothing" Taehyung said

"Keep a lookout, I'm going to get a drink" I said heading over to the bar, taking a hand through my already messy hair

"Give me a margarita, lime squeezed. No side"

"Coming right up sir" the woman said with a smile, turning around just as fast she finished squeezing the last drop of lime "here you go"

"Yea" I mumbled non interested turning around as someone roughly bumped into my shoulder making me spill my drink on the lit up floor

"Fucking watch where you- oh shit" I whispered looking around the darkly lit up area seeing the girl the boys came with

Being dragged by some guy who looked awfully familiar

I took off running after them only to hear Tae speak through the chip in my ear "We found him, to the far left of you ordering a drink" I turned around quickly seeing the man I've been searching for

For years

Only a few steps from me

Now is my chance to finish what should've been done

Looking around no one noticed her being held against her will on the stairs, they started to near a room.

I turn back around seeing the monster take a seat at the bar, smirking at strippers as he sipped from his drink tipping his beige hat

That girl is going to die

Or should I save her

What do I do

I ran through people as I dashed for the stairs slamming through private rooms to see which one they went in and finally



"I know you don't want to but you should say thank you" Taehyung said in a 'matter of factly' tone

"But he doesn't have-"

"Enough with the bs already, we have more important things to talk about. Jin" yoongi said tapping him on the shoulder with his gun

"Jungkook lost his enemy while saving you, now we need to use you as bait to fish him back in. Not with the same guy, he's dead. But the father of that guy, we went to kookies match while you were sleep, some of our assassins watched you"

He took a breath looking over to yoongi who only beckoned him on further, "We're moving into Jungkook's mansion since he's coming after us one by one"

"His son was the one who tried to rape and kill you last night as a plan to get us faster knowing we were all at the party last night but left his son up for death and flew from the scene" he showed me a recording of an older man leaving with other black trucks as they sped off

"Now unless you'd like to relive that night, I suggest you listen to us. Please" He finished off saying

"We're leaving to pack u-" Namjoon was cut off by the slam of a door from Jungkook

"Yoongi and Jimin will come with you as protection while you pack up, we already texted your mom saying we're going on a surprise vacation" He said furrowing his eyebrows as a notification went off on his phone, he smirked.

"Ah, never mind. Boss packed up the rest of your things, we'll be leaving now" turning around they all started to leave, me following behind confused

The soft breeze of air pushed on my skin as I looked up squinting my eyes at the sun. I looked to my right seeing a big building next to a club saying "Madison's private" that must've been where I slept for the night

"No time to waste now is there" said a grinning Jimin as he opened the car door for me "New beginnings and happinessss" he squealed pushing me in as he squeezed next to me

"Jiminnnnn" I fake whined, he only laughed and cradled me closer

"I'm so happy you finally know what we do, I didn't wanna keep a secret from my best friend" he whispered leaning back

"And I'm happy you guys trusted me enough to tell me" I said moving his hair from his forehead

"It'll be fun"

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