My Escape

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I'm going tell you a very important story. Well, at least it's important to me. So listen up, Folks! This is my story. . .

Once upon a time, there was a girl. A young, free, and most certainly, happy girl who felt as though she couldn't be happier! Too bad nothing lasts forever.

It's quite the mystery, you see. No one has really been able to find the answer. Not even me. And sometimes I still wonder. . . How could such a happy and free young girl get locked up inside her own head in the blink of an eye?

Better yet, how is it that it happened right in front of everyone's eyes, yet no one noticed a thing?

That's right, Folks! Our once joyful, free girl had to now figure out how to pick the lock to her own cage all by herself, all while everyone watched with blinded eyes.

There were times when she came close. Sometimes she was so, so close to escaping her cage, but when she would, by some miracle, crack open the door a little, it would start closing shut again.

She would try with all her force to keep it from closing again, but she had grown weak and tired from all the time spent in her cage that she couldn't find the strength to keep the door from closing right back in her face and from her heart being torn to pieces.

She had become so close! Freedom was so near! But the door had slammed her right back to the reality that she was still trapped and that she had to start all. Over. Again.

And so the days went by. Tired, scared, and alone with nothing but her thoughts to keep her company.

She would spend most of her time to continue to try to open the door, but she came to soon realize that being weak was easier than being strong.

She wanted to let herself be weak so badly! To give up so badly. To just admit that she lost. To leave the door alone and to learn to accept the cage as her new forever home. If she couldn't be happy again, she just wanted to rest! She had grown so, so tired.

Those were the times she let the tears fall with no shame. "They'll stop eventually," she thought, "but for now, it's feels nice to cry like this." So she cried and let her reality sink in. She let herself drown in the thought that her cloudy, lonely days were her life.

But it seems she was stronger than she thought.

No matter what happened, she just couldn't bring herself to give up.

She had already seen the light once before. Life was too precious to give up on.

"Don't fool yourself," she told herself. "You know you're not that weak. In the end, you'll be the winner. You have to fight though. Cry all you want, just make sure that you'll get back to fighting your way out once you're done."

So she cried, and cried, and cried, and let it be her last actions as she fell asleep, and when morning came, she got back up and continued to work on opening her cage door.

Now, don't get this confused. This is all a metaphor for what was happening in her mind. Physically, she was free, but her mind was locked up in a cold, lonely, and dark cage with nothing but her thoughts to entertain her.

Now let's look a little bit into what was literally happening, so on with the story. . .

To her, she was locked up.

To her, she had changed.

Gone was the happy, kind-hearted, girl she once was.
Now stood a weird, annoying, and depressed girl who couldn't even figure out how to feel normal.

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