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     "Fix your posture... your grip is all wrong... clear your mind you can't do anything with clouded thoughts... stop rolling your eyes."
     "Is there anything else I can do wrong today, Master Kenobi?" I put away my lightsaber and sat Indian style on the floor in front of my master. He ran his fingers through his neatly styled hair, causing it to become disheveled.
     "You've been acting out quite a bit lately. Its very frustrating. I'm almost starting to think you don't have the focus or drive for this field." I jumped up almost immediately as the words left his mouth. He stopped pacing and looked directly into my eyes.
     "I have more focus than you had at my age."
     He laughed and then raised an eyebrow before responding "Oh, my young Padawan, you have quite a bit to learn. Perhaps that was true, up until now. You're straying." He shook his head and rubbed his hands together for a moment, before following up with, "Your thoughts are easier to read than you know." He walked off to grab his robe from the chair he had thrown it on, putting it back on and starting to leave. He stopped just before leaving the temple completely. "You are dismissed. This behavior won't be tolerated anymore, or we will have to directly deal with the reason you really haven't been able to focus."
     I started off down the hall to my quarters. When I got to my room, I couldn't help but feel flustered. I had been acting out at my lessons for a specific reason. It all started one day when I kept messing up simple tasks. He got so angry with me, to the point he was yelling at me. His eyes were flooded with anger and irritation. He got very close to me, putting his face only inches away from mine, but then he stopped yelling. He only looked in my eyes, trailed down to my lips, and back up to my eyes. He dismissed me only moments after that.
     It was at that moment that an unusual feeling overtook me, I believe it was lust. Whatever it may have been, I do anything I can to get him that way again. Something about him searing with anger turned me on in a way nothing had before. And the thought of what he might do if I continued to act out filled me with excitement.
     I showered and changed into my night clothes. I laid down in my bed, hoping to fall asleep quickly, ecstatic for tomorrow's lesson.

     I woke up suddenly, and jolting my body, with sweat rolling down my back. I felt like my breath had been taken from me. I then remembered exactly what I had been dreaming about moments before. My heart raced as I recounted in my mind every detail of what I had just experienced. It was a dream about my master. He and I, doing everything I could ever want to do with him. It almost made me crave him more than before, if such was even possible. I got out of bed quickly and dressed myself, already running 20 minutes late to my lesson. My master was a stickler for being punctual.
     I left my quarters only to run into my master, who was standing right outside my door. "Good morning, Master Kenobi." I bit my lip, but he simply sighed and turned, walking quickly down the hallway towards the temple. I took this as an order to follow him.
     He slowed down a bit, allowing me to catch up with him. Without looking to me, he asked, "Why exactly are you running this late?"
     His tone made my blood pump faster, but I responded calmly with, "I overslept."
     He stopped without warning, which confused me quite a bit, pulling me over to a less crowded point in the hall. "You're thinking about the dream you had last night. I promise you don't want it as much as you think you do, my young Padawan."
     He then started back down the hallway again. As we entered the temple he immediately dropped his robe, ordering for me to do the same. But, I resisted. "It's cold."
     He pointed a finger at me and shook his head. "I will not play this game with you today." I rolled my eyes and stepped into the center of the temple, waiting for the command to draw my lightsaber. "Posture." I scoffed at him, ignoring his demand. Then, I felt something of a wooden ruler type object land on the small of my back. "I said posture."
It caught me very off guard, so I did as he said. My thoughts began to cloud, but I tried to clear them and push my feelings aside. I failed miserably at this. "Focus." He put his face merely inches from mine, close enough to feel his breath against my face.
"It's much harder than you know." I dropped my eyes to the floor, so he grabbed my chin and pulled my head back up to him.
"You must forget that I can read your mind, young Padawan. You have much to learn."
I rolled my eyes again, knowing that it would irritate him either further. "If I have so much to learn, why don't you finally teach me something?"
He had turned away from me, thinking, but with this statement, he spun back around and raised an eyebrow. "Is that an invitation?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Draw your lightsaber." He wrapped his arms around mine as he had done in the past, but this time, he was somehow tighter against me than ever before. I could feel his erection up against me, and then I knew he was doing it on purpose. "How does it feel?" My eyes widened and I hesitated for a moment, beginning to stumble over my words as I started to talk. "The lightsaber," He said as he pulled away from me, "How does it feel now that you're holding it the right way?"
I let out a deep sigh. "Fine, I guess. Though I don't feel I was holding it wrong previously."
"Put it away. I understand that you're not going to stop being difficult until I give you what you want. Go to your quarters and wait for me there." I picked my robe up off the ground and left the temple, looking back only once to see my master watching me as I left.
I hurried down the hallways and arrived at my room relatively quickly. I dressed myself into more casual, easy to remove clothing. I had no idea when my master would arrive, for he was quite a busy man. Being his Padawan, I usually knew his schedule, and he had no plans that I knew of for today, which was a bit odd. I continued to sit and wait for him for a few hours.
I jumped up excitedly when I finally heard a knock on my door. I got up to open the door, only to be met with a pair of lips pushing me back into the room. My master shut the door with his foot, and pushed me back until I was pinned against the wall, with my hands behind my back. I was almost starting to feel as if I couldn't breathe, when finally he pulled away. I was gasping for air, but he remained calm. I pulled my arms from behind me, and reached out to pull him in for more, but he pushed them away and pinned them above me. I wanted to touch him, to feel his body, but I realized this was not love making, this was punishment. He was going to tease me.
I couldn't stand the thought of him being right in front of me, but out of my reach. I wanted to pull him closer to me, leaving no space between us.
     I felt his breath against my neck as he whispered, "Are you sure this is what you want? I won't be gentle with you." I did nothing but bite my lip and nod. "I want to hear you say it." I tried to choke the words up but nothing would come out, and I wasn't sure why. He stood back up, grabbing me by the chin and pulling me to look him in the eyes.
     I managed to get out a very breathy "Yes", but it wasn't enough for him.
     "Yes, what?"
     "Master." This had been quite the innocent title up until this moment. I wasn't sure if it would ever feel the same again, though, I don't think I cared so much.
     He slipped back down to my neck, first kissing it, but then letting his kisses turn to bites. I moaned softly, causing him to bite harder. He pulled away again for just long enough to warn me on my volume level, the returned to his work on my neck.
     After a while of this, I felt a hand move down my body, tracing my hips and ending up between my legs. Obi-Wan began to touch me through my clothing, causing just enough friction to get a slight reaction out of me. I reached once again toward his hand, but this attempt was met with the same fate as my last. I let my head fall back and rest against the wall, as the pleasure of his touch and neck bites overtook me. Before I had even realized it, I was calling out to him for more, but he only laughed in response. "Please" I whimpered out to him.
     "Not so bad now, are we?" He stood up and led me over to the side of my bed, instructing me to take my clothes off. He watched as I stripped, biting his lip a bit harder with each piece of clothing I removed. "You're so much more fun when you're so vulnerable. Beg for it." My face flushed red, and I could feel my body heat up. "Why go speechless now?" He laughed once more and pushed me down onto the bed. His hand found its place between my legs once more, and he teased me, touching me in small increments of time, stopping to watch the pleading look in my eyes grow stronger.
     He then demanded I flip over to my stomach. I did what he said, and immediately felt his cold lips against my back and shoulders. "You'll be forever to dress appropriately to cover all of these." He then proceeded to do much worse to my back and shoulders as he had done to my neck.
     When he was finished with this task, he grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled his towards him, bringing my body up with it. It was quite painful, as he had a strong grip. "It hurts doesn't it? Perhaps if you wore your hair the proper way..." He let his words trail off as he grabbed my hips and pulled me to the edge of the bed. He pushed himself into me suddenly, and I gasped. I bit my lip yet again to keep myself from making noise. He had my arms pinned against my bare back, and was resting his weight upon them. He had started out slow, almost rhythmic. A few small, breathy moans left my mouth as his speed increased and the intensity behind each stroke grew stronger. I managed to wrap my hand around his hand, and he allowed, giving me something to hold on to as he shook my entire body.
     He pulled out of me and flipped me over, where I was laying on my back. Without hesitation, he pushed himself back into me, placing an arm on either side of me to hold himself up. This gave me free range of my arms, so I latched onto his forearms as he thrusted into me as hard and fast as he could. The sweat from his head dripped onto my own face. He looked down at me, letting out a few moans of his own. He moved one of his hands to cover my mouth, and with one last groan, he released himself into me.
He pulled out of me, leaving me breathless and wide eyed on the bed. In the midst of him redressing himself, a question occurred to me. "Master Kenobi," I hesitated a moment before continuing, "What about the code of no attachments?" I held my breath and waited for his reply.
"There is no specific rule against sex, my young Padawan, only forming attachments to others, of which I have none." I let out the breath I was holding, almost emptying my lungs. That was the real punishment, knowing I would never touch him again. Knowing that nothing could ever come of us. I laid back down on the bed, closing my eyes as I heard the sound of my room door shutting.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2019 ⏰

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