Ch-1 The Bells

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Rangggggggg the bell went off extremely loud sounding like multiple bells going off at once. I quickly yelled out " Celine, hurry or we'll be late" a few seconds later of waiting impatiently. In a almost hushed tone she responded back "coming" I looked over to my friend...
Her eyes matched her green tank top and she also wore black tights, with sandals. Her dark brown hair was tied in a bun on the back of her head. She wasn't very muscular or thick but she was beautiful...She smiled at me in a joking way and said "Gorgeous was stuck up a tree again" Gorgeous was her cat. A cat we came across on a mission and saw lying on the ground. We thought the cat was dead since it wasn't moving. Celine being kind as she is, reached down and shook it a bit... the ugly black cat lifted its head... the cat was missing an eye and the one eye it did have was an ugly yellow color. The cats fur was patchy and it had no tail... Celine picked the ugly creature up and screamed to the cat  " Your so gorgeous, I'm going to keep you forever. And treasure you till the day you die." I don't  know what she saw in such a ugly creature. But from then on she loved that cat...
       The bells went off a second time and that meant we had less then a minute, to get to the meeting grounds. " hurry Camila" Celine said to me in a sassy tone. "Your one to talk" I responded back... we ran as fast as we could to the meeting grounds. " we barely made it " I said to Celine in a whisper. We shuffled through the crowd to hear what master Fingu had to say. Master Fingu the head of the assassin squad a man known for giving harsh punishments but for being a kind man. He stood 5.3 and was bald. He always wore a black expensive kimono. He was the top assassin and commander of our entire group...  He came out of his fancy chambers. He carried only a piece of paper and had a very serious expression on his face. He walked slowly then paused for a minute speaking harshly he announced to the crowd " I'm sure you have all become increasingly aware of the assassins known as blood moving into our territory... We have tried to be patient and talk with them. But they have only ignored our kindness and continued invading. Burning our villages to the ground! Killing the people we swore to protect... From now on I will be sending people on missions to spy and people protect the villages. We will gather information and prepare...for war

      The crowd gasped... whispers of uncertainty came throughout the crowd. We all knew this was coming based on the extreme events, but none of us wanted to except it. I looked to my right to see Celine with a terrified expression on her face. I was concerned dozens of thoughts started buzzing through my head. How are we supposed to beat such a powerful group? How can be make are group into a army ? Is it even possible for us to fight them and protect the villages? The thoughts stopped when master Fingu spoke again " We will begin sending people out on missions to raise money immediately." Master Fingu held out a list on a piece of paper and said " Noah Blackhold and Camila Sidra come to my chambers immediately." With that last line he walked back to his chambers. And I stood there frozen shocked by the notion of my name being called.  I've been on missions before. But when you were called by the master Fingu himself it was important... Our second in charge master Virgo a mysterious strict dark man stepped forward and told us we were dismissed. Celine came over to me and said in a whisper  "good luck" she smiled at me then walked away. I could tell she was still shocked from the news of war and was scared. Celine hated people worrying about her so would always hide her fear with a smile... I took any courage I could sum up and walked to Master Fingu's chambers. As well with another mysterious boy, I assumed was Noah. He had beautiful blue eyes the color of the ocean. He had black curly hair and a mysterious smile. He was wearing a black hoodie and black joggers. He stared at me for a long time which I thought was quite rude and stared back. Till he said with a emotionless expression "are you going to knock or what?" I was instantly ticked off by his attitude. I folded my arms and looked the other way. Telling him to go ahead... trying to hold back my rage as he then said with absolutely no expression on his face" if you wanted me to knock you should have just said so" He then knocked as I was on the verge of smacking him. We heard Master Fingu inside say to us " please come in."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2019 ⏰

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