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San sighed, his eyes rolling back at the overly white and preppy entrance of the building. He was standing in front of the "Institute of Education for Young Boys". The gold framed sign made him want to retch. He was used to the slums, the dirty and grimy cum stained walls of his old school. Now that his mom had married a rich CEO who wanted to give San the "the best education he could give him", he was forced to leave his old school, house, neighborhood, and come to this new fancy place where he clearly didn't belong.

San was comfortable in the bad part of town where he was from. His boyfriend, Seonghwa, was the leader of a small gang situated in their school where they used to sell weed to the other poor kids in the area. San would often help him with packaging or marketing and he was friends with all the bad influences that parents warn their kids to be wary of in fancy parts of town like this.

Now, San couldn't even be with Seonghwa anymore without driving 50 minutes.

Even though he despised his mom's boyfriend, or I guess now, step dad for taking him away from his old life, he still could appreciate his huge room and tons of new clothes (and plushies) that was given to him. Honestly, he seemed like an alright guy, just not really what San was used to.

The only other man he had in his life was his father, but he acted more like a bag of dust rotting on their couch. He was glad that his mother had finally found someone to spoil her but he still wasn't comfortable with all the rich boys in this school.

He breathed out another sigh as he stepped closer to the building entrance. He itched at his neck, the collar of the white button up closing in on his neck, he decided to unbutton a few buttons and let his chest breathe a little. The uniform consisted of a plain white collard shirt and plain khaki slacks. A pretty boring and ugly uniform if you ask San. To give it more of a flair, San had thrown on a deep red cardigan over it and braided his hair on the sides since they were growing out a little bit.

He eyed the other students, filing into the building, seeing as it was about 7:56 AM and school was to start at 8:05, he decided to start making his way inside as well. San observed the other boys, they were all so clean and proper, and he didn't see another person wearing a jacket overtop, making him stand out even more as a red dot in a sea of white.

San looked down at his schedule paper, 'ah....fuck, world history' he shook his head as he approached a boy making his way in the building and tapped on his shoulder.

"H-hey. Hi, I'm new here, do you know where the world history room is in?" San looked expectantly at the other boy who nodded and was about to open his mouth to answer him, "SAN!" The other boy flinched at San's sudden yell. "Sorry, I didn't mention my name, it's San........sorry I'm just nervous"

The other boy started laughing after a 3 second delay, clutching his belly, "hey man, I'm Hongjoong, don't worry, I'll take you to world history" The boy, Hongjoong, gestured for San to follow him into the building. San obliged.

'Hongjoong' San made a mental note of his name and face so that he could remember his newest friend(?).

"Here we are, San" Hongjoong stopped in front of the class. San stood on his tiptoes to peer into the window of the classroom, there were some people already seated but school hadn't technically started yet so he figured he was alright.

San turned back to Hongjoong, "thank you so much" He bowed slightly and waved him off. San turned back slowly to the door and breathed out before pushing the handle down and entering the classroom.

As soon as he had gone inside, the faint chattering of teenage boys simmered down until his heavy steps were the only ones that could be heard. It seemed the boys noticed that they had never seen him before, and his pale blonde hair and bright red sweater wasn't exactly helping. San made his way to the teacher's desk so he could notify him that he was the new student.

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