Chapter 1

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"So what do you plan on doing after highschool baby? " I thought about that question heavily before I answered. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. "Im not sure, I kinda want to have my own thing going instead of working for someone." Dakota nodded her head. I grabbed her face to meet mines and gave her a passionate kiss. My phone started buzzing in my purse. I pulled away and grabbed my phone. It read "Mom." I answered and she told me that I should come home because shes leaving but she has a package set to be delievered today. I had Dakota drop me off. "Bye mah, text you later?" she asked. I blew her a kiss. "Of course."

I went in the house and relaxed on the couch. Even though me and Dakota just started talking It felt like we have been talking for a while. I met her at school and she swears she have been at my school longer than me but I swear to God this was my first year seeing her attend my school. She comes from a pretty good background even though she was raised by her dad for most of her life. My background however didn't match up with hers besides the fact that I was raised by a single parent also. Dakota knew a decent amount of information about me...really only the basics. I didn't want to let her in on all my darkest secrets just yet. However I did feel guilty because she was so open and honest with me. I just wanted to wait for the right moment.

She was mines. We weren't official yet , I mean we have been talking for almost a month but I definitely felt something for her that I couldn't explain. About 30 minutes later a package arrived for my mom. The box was heavy as fuck. I sat it on the kitchen table and texted my mom and told her it was here. I was about to open it but I heard a knock on the door. I looked out the peep was my moms ex...Derrick. My heart dropped. I backed away from the door and ran to call my mom. She wasn't answering so I kept calling back to back. She finally answered on the 4th call last ring. "Derrick is here! I SAID DERRICK IS FUCKING HERE!" She gasped and hung up the phone. "Samarie I know you in here open the door.....OPEN THE GODDAMN DOOR. I ran upstairs to my moms room and locked the door. It got quiet then I heard footsteps. I know damn well he aint have a changed the locks. I was startled when he started to twist the knob and end up dropping the phone. "You and your hoe ass mother cant run away from me. I will always know where yall will be at. Give your mother this."

He slid something under the door and I waited till the front door close before I had got up. I went and look , it was a white envelope and it felt like it was full of paper. I didn't have the guts to open it so I waited till my mom got back. I ran down the stairs and opened the blinds. Soon after my mom pulled up. I unlocked the door and gave her a hug. She was crying hard. I helped her sit down. I handed her the envelope. "He got in the house...he had a key mom....a freaking key! How!!" I said as I tried not to raise my voice at her. My mom held her had down as the tears fell while meddling with her fingers. '' is Samarie." I stepped back with confusion. " What you mean this house!? Your name is on the papers right??...RIGHT!?" She started crying harder.

"No...that's why he has the keys..he still has rights and can kick us out if he wanted you need to try to behave and not make him mad...please...for me atleast...I cant even afford a new house...I lied to you about everything....I got fired yesterday but I'm looking for a job...I'm sorry honey but....but just work with me" she said. My eyes were stinging. I slid on my slides grabbed my house keys and got my phone and headed out the door. She called my name but I ignored. I was walking and kept my head down so I wouldn't be seen crying. I Called Dakota and told her to meet me at the park.


I was relaxing in bed when Samarie called. She sounded stuffy like she had been crying. I got in the car to go meet her. I'm really feeling this girl....she different...she to her sweet..mann whatever I feel I Know its real. I made it to Thomas Park in about 15 minutes. She was sitting on the bench with her head buried in her hands.


I heard a car pull up. It was Dakota. As she was getting out the car I ran towards her. She welcomed me with a big hug. She lift my head up but I hurried and looked away so she wouldn't see me cry. "Come on, lets go." she said softly. She helped me get in the car and we drove out. "You wanna talk about it" she said grabbing my hand but keeping her eyes on the road. I felt a lump in my throat. " think I can stay the night? I asked looking out the window.  "Of course... my dad wouldn't mind."

Before we got to her house we stopped by kfc to get some carry out. I ordered the wings and Dakota ordered the $5 fill up bowl. We got out the car and she opened the house door for me. "Dad I'm home and I have company" Dakota said . Her dad appeared from the kitchen with a cold beer. This was my first time seeing him. He gave a polite smile. "This is Samarie, my future girlfriend" she said. I blushed. He came and shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you I'm Larry..oh and the guys are coming over...if we get to loud text me" he said walking over to the living room. Dakota chuckled. She grabbed my hands and led me upstairs to her room. It was super clean and nicely decorated. "Take your shoes off and make your self comfortable." I did as she said and got on her bed with the food. I handed her the food out the bag and started eating mines.

" Feel better?" I sighed. "It's just a lot of family issues right now and I needed to escape before I do anything crazy..I'm not good under stress" I replied. "You don't have to give me details love. But don't lie to me..I'm here to help you not hurt you." I smiled. Once we got thru eating I took a shower and put on some of her clothes. We are currently watching comedy movies. Dakota suggested it, hoping it would lift my spirits, which it did.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2019 ⏰

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