Come back to me-1

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Case 1
Background- Nannu, Abir, Mishti and Kunal are all at the off site meeting location and were going to spend 3 days over there. Over the 3 days Mishti had been breaking Abir's heart a little by little and Kunal had finally had enough of her trying to hurt his bhai. Abir tried alright. He tried with all his heart to be happy for her. Be happy in her happiness but he couldn't deny the fact that everytime she said that she loved Nannu or she went and hugged him or held his hand, something inside of him kept shattering. His choice of shades over the days did nothing to hide his pain from Mishti. It killed her to have to do and say something that triggered any memories for him. Because anything that hurt him, hurt her just as much. She just wanted to go back to being his angry chorni. She wanted to wear her glasses back. She just wanted to hide away in his embrace and just find the peace that she missed in the last two months. But today. Today was special. Or was at least supposed to be. It was her birthday after all. She pretended that there was no network so no one from home to contact her and as much as Nannu hated it. He agreed. So none of their phones were reachable by anyone from back home. Because this time if Mishti was celebrating her birthday it had to be with her Ajeeb Rajvansh or there would be no birthday at all. But something in her heart said that she had finally reached over his breaking point when for dinner today Nannu suggested playing paint ball as a different way to celebrate the partnership and also because he had promised Mishti to make this trip memorable. Whereas in reality he wanted to make her birthday special. And to trigger abir out of his hibernation. On hearing nannu's suggestion Abir's face fell. Because he knew what was going on. He knew it was her birthday and he remembered all his promises. But to get abir in action Mishti too agreed for the plan and said, "sacchi yaar Nannu Tu best hai. I mean promises karna, sapne dikhana ek baat hoti hai but unhe pura karna dusri baat hoti hai and honestly not everyone can stand by the promises they make." She said hinting at abir. Kunal got furious and was about to give a piece of his mind to Mishti when abir grabbed his arm and shook his head no.
"So it's a plan then. After dinner, everyone change and meet at the beach." Announced Nannu.
Dinner was a tough time for abir because Nannu was hell bent on feeding Mishti with his hands. And making her laugh and smile. But seeing a smile on her face was the only solace abir allowed himself. Dinner got over and everyone went to their respective rooms to change.
Kunal and Mishti were done before Nannu and Abir and met at the meeting place. Mishti gave kunal a small smile and decided to take a look at what was taking Nannu so long and after the equation that they have always shared she didn't want to ruin her bday. She was looking at the beautiful beach and the waves under the moonlit sky and basking in the beauty when Kunal started talking.
"There really must be something ridiculously wrong with you Mishti. Because you end up hurting every single person that has ever loved you." Mishti just rolled her eyes at him but her nails dug into her hands. The comment stung but she refused to show it. "Kunal, all these taunts that you have to say, I wish I really wish that for once you could actually just grow up. And when you've done that, come look for me and we'll have a proper conversation. Until then, don't even try." Mishti said and she walked off. Well she started to at least. "If you think, I care about what you think of me, then you're mistaken because you're no one to me. No one to anyone from my family. And the best part is that you're no one for my bhai also now. He couldn't care less about what you do or what happens to you. So why don't you do something? While this Nishant is still interested in you, why don't you just marry him? Or wait wait..maybe third times the charm for your wedding to break. What do you think Mishti? Maybe it's actually you that's the problem. Everyone that has ever loved you has left. So why don't you do everyone a favour and just leave for good. Move away somewhere? Say what, I have clients in the US, I'll get you a place to stay and everything but for gods sake just leave my bhai alone. He really has moved on and is doing much better after you left. He was even gonna marry his best friend Neha but oh well that's a story for another time. Don't take my words lightly because I am not lying. You don't believe me? Check out this picture. It'll be all the proof you need." He smugly showed the deleted picture of Kuhu with the name mix up. He put the picture in her hand and left from there.
Mishti couldn't breathe. He..he..he had really moved on? She was stopping him from being happy? No. No. No. that can't ever happen. His happiness was with Mishti. Ajeeb Rajvansh and angry chorni are destined to be with each other. I should go and ask him about this she thought. But she needed to compose herself before that. She has to be indifferent but she is not. Her vision became blurry with tears and she found it difficult to breathe. So she decided to leave the hotel premises and go outside for a walk. To compose herself. To regain strength. She thought of informing Nannu but because they had phones that were off she left him a note and slid it under his door and walked out. At this point she couldn't even stop her tears. So she ran outside.

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