p a r t 1

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You won't fall inlove with any of the actors or actresses while you are in the role of this movie.

"Okay sign here. Here. And here." Says my new director; Andrew Buigeti; for my new movie.

"Okay so we're all done." I say.

"Yep all done." He leans back in his chair and hands the contract to my mother.

"Lets go sweetie." My mom stands up her keys dangling as we walk out of my directors office.

I get up and we leave the room walking swiftly to the elevator rambling about the idea of my new romance movie and being excited to play one of the lead characters.

"Tomorrow you'll meet your cast." She smiles fondly of me clasping her hands together. I smile and nod excited to go home and sleep, so I could wake up and meet everyone tomorrow.

We enter our house and my dog comes running to my feet jumping and yapping anxiously.

"Hi baby." I grin petting her and walking upstairs while she trails behind me. I end up showering and getting ready for dinner because my mom had one of the new cast members coming over for dinner. Because we both played a couple in the movie so she wanted him to come. I was kind of nervous.

I looked in the mirror while drying my hair slightly curling it. I put on some lip gloss and do my eyelashes and I go downstairs waiting for them to arrive. Before I know it the doorbell rings.

I skip to the door and peek through the window before opening it. My first thought is "oh god he's so cute, with his freckles, plump lips, cute nose and soft looking curly hair."

"Hi, welcome come in." I say politely.

"You're so lovely." His mom walks in and smiles at me brightly.

"Hey." He smiles kind of like a dork but it's cute.

"So I guess we're playing a role together huh." He smirks looking at me up and down.

"I guess so." I throw a seductive look back at him and he walks inside and I close the door behind him.

"Chanel foods almost read-" My mom looks shocked that they're here already.

"Oh hi you must be jack, such a handsome young boy. And Angela you're so beautiful." She smiles shaking their hands.

They exchange hi's and hello's and I go help my mom put the food on the table.

"So how long have you been in acting chanel?" Angela questions curiously.

"So when I was 10 I always had a passion for it but we couldn't do it until 13 this is my second main role I've gotten and now I'm turning 18 soon."

"Similar to me" Jack adds. His mom and my mom chuckle quietly.

"Except he started when he was 6 and had his maim role when he was 13 and he's a year old than you."

"I'm older." He pokes out his tongue childishly at me.
"You're such a kid." I laugh and his mom scolds him for being disrespectful.

We all make small talk and we all finish dinner and they have to leave.

"Thank you for coming." My mom and I say in synch unexpectedly and we look and laugh at eachother.
"No thank you for having us." Angela says softly.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow Jack."

"Yup." He says popping the 'p'.

He pulls me in for a hug that took me off guard.

His arms are so warm and comforting.

I breathe in his cologne and he lets go. I watch them walk off to their car and drive away and jack being cute he waves furiously until he can't see me anymore. I just laugh and close the door.

"You'd be a cute couple you know." My mom, Liz, says.

"I just met him mom." I sigh and begin to walk upstairs.

"I'm just saying." She trails on getting lost in her thoughts.

I get ready and head to bed clicking off my light but of course I watch Netflix and I fall asleep in the middle of one of my shows.

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