chapter 1

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Brookes pov-

i was awoken by someone shaking me. groggily and confused i opened my eyes. I didn't know where i was until i heard a fake perky voice telling me that we had landed in North Carolina and it was time to grab my belongings and exit the plane

i gave a smile and unbuckled my seatbelt. i then grabbed my backpack with my laptop, camera, phone with my chargers in it. An older man then helped me grab my carry on and i thanked him.

i walked off the plane looking around until i finally saw who i was looking for; i noticed he was starring at me until i noticed him.

"hayes!" i said running jumping on him wrapping my legs around his torso. our eyes met and he put me down.

"hey brooke"
He had the biggest smile plastered on his face, i wouldnt doubt i had the same expression

i missed him so much

Hayes pov-

i waited at the airport for brooke to come home. she had been away for 2 weeks visiting her old friends in Florida

ive known brooke since we were little, brooke is one of my bestfriends along with the people i go on tour with; the magcon boys.

I've always been next door neighbors with her. We've grown up together since we were babies. Our parents were also bestfriends

I basically lived at her house when my parents were gone. i was always welcomed even if we were in a fight. Shes the one i go to when i have problems or i need to rant about something; even if its not important shes always there to listen. she gave the best advice, none of my other friends compared to her.

When she got off that plane all i could do was look at her, i couldnt move; i was in a daze.

she jumped in my arms like i havent seen her in years
when i put her down i couldnt take the perky smile off my face, she looked so beautiful. Her long blonde hair looked so soft, while her bright green eyes looked of joy. her perfect white teeth were blinding.

Her petite body looked strong and everytime i held her i thought i would break her.

God i missed her so much

decisions // Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now