fluff - oneshot

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Rain knocks against the window softly, calming the nerves of the two lovers who snuggle close by the fire. Warmth spreads through the room, keeping the outside winds cold away, nothing but each other's body heat and the couch blanket. It's quiet, but comfortable as they lie there. Thinking probably, but mostly listening to the pops going off inside the fire place. The calm breaths coming for ones partner, rhythm in sync with another. It's only been a few minutes maybe... the heat and embrace slowly pulling them into exhaustion.

Gen's eyelids were heavy, and the quiet yawn escaping from his mouth only urged Senku to bring the other closer. Snuggle each other into sleep. The mentalists pulled the covers up to his shoulders, letting out a small shudder as he finished yawning. Sleep was so tempting, but he wanted to enjoy the quiet moment for a little longer, just to remember they at least had it.

They barely see another, working a lot and all. Moments like these... to be able to relax and not worry about anything. To lay comfortable in the embrace of someone who really and truly loves you more than anyone else. Just ask beautiful as a mother loving her child. A partner. Well, it's really hard to get. Sometimes they feel as if they don't deserve it, though they've never said it out loud. Can't risks losing it, so they keep quiet about insecurities.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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