
15 3 0

Cohens POV

"You know it's time you got yourself a hobby"
My dad interrupts my thoughts as I stare out the window of his blacked out Range Rover.

"Huh what?"
He sighs but pays my shoulder.
"You need to find something to do with your time rather than just sitting around."

"I already do stuff"
"Music," I answer not being able to think of anything else.
He once again sighs.

"I mean something productive, something that will actually get you somewhere"

I roll my eyes and decide to ignore him for the rest of the ride.
Of course he's expecting a lot from me.
I'm the son of a millionaire.
Everyone's expecting big things from me.

"Drop me off here"
"Here? Seriously?"
He slows down as I unbuckle my seat belt and open the door.
"I just want to make you proud" I only said that to make him feel guilty. He almost says something but I shut the door.
I always play that card when we have this conversation.

I'll never be good enough. That much is true.
Oh well whatever.
As long as I have money I'll be fine.
I'll always have it in my bank account.
Don't really need anything else do I?

I walk along the side walk. There's not really anything here but silence.
Although I'm alone most of the time I feel free here.
There is a perfect line of trees along the side of the path, a number of orange leaves along the curb, it's perfect.

A light gust of wind blows causing more leaves to fall.
It's one of the few things that make me smile.
I've always loved Autumn. It's truly magnificent. It's so beautiful and captivating.

I think Hockliffe road has always been the most quiet. Oh and this isn't even the best part. As I turn right I see more trees, a brook and a path.
I love It here.
Leighton isn't the most peaceful town but this spot takes me away from reality.

It's almost as if it's out of a movie or something.
I wipe my glasses as it's habit of mine.
Even when I don't need to I always end up cleaning my glasses.
It's just a reflex.

"Oh look it's the posh boy!" I hear an oh so familiar voice. I adjust my glasses and mentally prepare myself for the taunting.
"Yeah it's me. The kid who has way more than you do"

The group of guys just snigger.
"Yeah that's true you spoiled little bitch"
I hate that so much.

I try to just walk away and one again enjoy the scenery but I'm stopped.
"Ey where do you think you're going the next Gucci sale?"
Charlie snorts.

"Oh no I don't need to wait for a sale"
That gets him to shut up.
"your such a sarcastic ass hole" divine chimes in.

You see I'm kinda popular in my own year but kids who are older just hate me.

"Hey guys look he's wearing a Rolex"
Everyone does their little oooos.

I once again attempt to get away.
I'm pushed back. I don't feel intimidated at all.
I'm about to say something but am interrupted by an unfamiliar voice.

"Guys you seriously have nothing better to do?"
A bike swerved right in front of me shielding me almost.

"Uh I-I totally have a test next week so I'll be g-going"
Charlie rushes off and his gang follows.
Huh. How the fuck?

The owner of the bike turns to face me.
I recognise him but I can't say that I've ever spoken to this guy.

He has large rounded eyes which are a captivating grey with some green pigment.
His hair, brown with large curls resting at the top of his head.
His lips curved into a half-smile.
In short he's so much better looking than me.

"Watch yourself" is all he says before riding off.

I can't help but wonder where I know him from.
Where have I seen that face?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2020 ⏰

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