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Hey there I'm Jasper Coils!

I am currently 17 years old! I'm still in High school and I'm on the football team!

I'm single and bisexual, don't judge ok? It's not cool, we're all equal got it? Fat, skinny, tall, short, straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender! I'm also looking

Anyways some stuff I like are skateboarding, football, soccer, fixing cars, gym, running, hugging, cuddling, movies, beds, eating, sleeping, play fighting (tend to play fight with Emily), and many other shit

Some stuff I don't like, being told what to do, getting yelled at, seeing girls cry, being lazy, feeling fat (I will work harder if I do), no cuddles, being ignored (I would never do that to anyone)

My friends: Sky Sky-Land

Cuddle buddy: (available)

Siblings: (available)

Posse: (available)

Running buddy: Sky Sky-Land

Jasper CoilsWhere stories live. Discover now