Just a Normal Day || Chapter One

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Living in Los Angeles, or LA is always interesting because there is always something going on. It doesn't matter if it's sports related or not, the city is always busy. I've lived in LA for over three years now and I am still not used to the traffic and I hate every bit of it. Especially with me working for the legendary franchise that is the Los Angeles Lakers. 

Ideal situation, right??

I'm just a girl from Akron who grew up having a dream of being where I am today or possibly do more. This is beyond anything I could ever think about doing. The added bonus? I get to work with my childhood friend. The thing is, he doesn't know anything about me working here because I've just been in the shadows working with the other players getting them back on the court. It's what I do best. Having my players be healthy and playing basketball gives me joy.

As I pull up to the Lakers practice facility, I can't help but smile because it would be the first real time that I have a therapy session with Lebron James. I haven't seen him in a long time. I've changed over the years and I am quite sure he wouldn't recognize me even if I showed him old pics of me. So, this was going to be an interesting session for sure.

Walking into the building, I wave to everyone and check to see if any mail or messages were left for me. I had a few and I go to my office for a bit to do some paperwork before I go in the therapy room to set up my session with LeBron. When I work, I am totally in the moment and I want to be the best I know I am and I can be. This would be no different. After I finished setting up all the equipment, I hear a knock and opening of the door and here comes the 6'8 mountain of a man coming through the door listening to what I assume is Jay-Z.

LeBron is a giant man. I look like a toddler standing next to him and I'm only 6'0 flat. Being tall is an advantage for some people. He uses it for basketball. I watched as he bobbed his head to the music and I giggled. Something about the way he did so was very amusing. Eventually I just decided to pull back one of the earphones while saying to him.

"If you're not careful, your legs and body won't be the only thing in need of therapy." I looked at him and smirked a little bit. "Gonna give yourself whiplash."

LeBron looked at me with a smirk on his face at what I said. He placed his bag down before responding. "You would know about whiplash wouldn't you? It seems to me that you're a pro." I rolled my eyes at his statement as I turned my back for a moment getting my things set up before I turned back, saying to him, "how would you know if I'm a pro unless you've had first hand experience with me?!?!"

All LeBron could do was roll his eyes at what I said. He laid down on the massage table looking up at the ceiling for what seemed like forever.  As he did so, I moved over to where he was and began stretching his legs the proper way (I know how dirty that sounds so no need to say a thing!). During the session, I could feel his eyes on me,but I never gave the indication that I knew he was practically staring at me. So, I decided to have a conversation about something other than therapy.

"So, hows the family doing? I have been watching a little bit of your son, Bronny's basketball games. He has a lot of your abilities for sure." I look at LeBron, who seemed a bit surprised I knew about his abilities as well as seeing his son play basketball. It's one of the many perks that I have growing up with someone like LeBron. He just doesn't know that I know him better than most.

"The family is doing good. Just busy with school and basketball as well as other things. It never stops." He said as I moved to the other leg massaging it out and I nodded at what he was saying. "That's what's up. I am sure that no matter what they end up doing in life, they will make you proud." He looked at me and then said, "it's not just with my kids. Anyone that I have a relationship with, I am proud of them in whatever they do that is positive." He paused for a second then continued. "There was this girl I went to school with who I considered to be my best friend. She was like the only person that knew the real me. She saw the potential in my playing abilities and believing in me to play in the NBA. "
I smile to myself as I listen to him speak about his childhood experiences with his friends. I knew that he was talking about me, but I could t say anything that would give him the chance to question anything I would've been asking from that point forward. "When was the last time you saw or talked to her?" I asked. It took him a minute or two for him to answer, but when he finally did, he looked at me and spoke, "it's been a while since the last time I've seen or talked to her. It would be amazing if I were to see her again. Just to tell her I missed her and that her belief in me got me here." He sighed a little bit and I looked at him. I wanted to tell him that the girl he was talking about was me,but it was too soon. Plus, the whole baby mama things was a thing that I just didn't want to get into. Don't get me wrong, Savannah and I are cool, but when it comes to LeBron, that's when things get a little tricky. I am honestly surprised that she hasn't revealed who I am to him. To her credit, I thank her.
"I'm sure that wherever she is, she is definitely proud of you and everything that you're doing in your career." I say in response to what he was saying. I am proud of him for everything that he has accomplished and even what he has to left to accomplish. I always knew he would be great. Since day one.
After about an hour and forty five minutes, I had finished up the session and got him scheduled for another session. "Well, that was actually a fun session. Who knew you could be an awesome person to talk to." I joked and he smirked at me. I laughed. "Next session, I wanna see how you feel on this new way of keeping your muscles loose and prevent unnecessary injuries. Cool?" I asked and he smiled at me before saying. "Cool. I'll see ya later. Time for practice." I looked at him as I was putting away my things and I waved goodbye. "See ya." He smiled again and walked out.
"This is gonna be an interesting journey for sure.. just hope this doesn't backfire." I say to myself, shutting the lights off and I walked to my office wondering what to do next.

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