Facing the Facts

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I know this man who is dear to my heart. Our story wasn't the happiest one, but he meant the world to me. Words cannot explain how much he means to me. Nothing could never compare to him.. but one day it was all taken away from me. Everything we built was torn apart. I hate this time of year.. I really do. I feel dizzy and sick. I find myself lost and confused. My lungs feel heavy, and it becomes hard to breath. Everything around me feels wrong. The image of him haunts me. In that moment I realize the path ended too soon. Not long enough to hold his hand. This amazing person, this loving man. Not long enough to engage his eyes and remember them always brimming with pride. Not long enough to stand by his side, as he was by mine after every rough tide. Not long enough to laugh with him after every bad joke, after every tough hill. Not long enough to walk with this man, who has helped me to be the person I am. He tried to teach me right from wrong but I never listened until one day he had to go. Now he is gone. The image of him is forever engraved in my mind. It is hard to believe he no longer exists in my world. I tell myself maybe one day he will come back to me, but I know he won't. I miss the way he said my name. His voice was deep yet gentle. It will be four years soon on November 17th, and I find myself more alone then ever. There hasn't been a moment where he doesn't cross my mind. When I look back at our past I can't help but wonder if I remembered to thank him enough.. For all he has done for us? For all the times he was by our side. Even though we wanted you gone, you helped and supported us. You were there to celebrate our successes. To understand our problems and accept our defeats! You taught us by your example - The value of hard work, good judgment, courage and integrity. I don't believe we thanked you enough for the the sacrifices you made to let us have the very best. Many times the image of your funeral comes to mind. How I carried your ashes through the church and when it was time for them to bury you. Your brother started singing the scouts song and everyone joined with tears rolling down their face. The song was so beautiful yet it brought great sadness to my heart. No es mas que un hasta luego. No es mas que un breve adios. Muy pronto junto al fuego Nos reunira el Señor. I miss you everyday Oto. You will always be my papa and I will never forget everything you did for us. Thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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