The devils christmas

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All through the houses the werewolves slept in the beds with there's pets. Not a sound was heard through out the village. They were all getting ready for dear ol' Santa Clause to come but what they didn't know is that there  Christmas might be ruined but a greedy Person who always got coal. They know him as Micheal or the devil. Yes him. He never gotten what he wanted for Christmas. All he asked was for a toy car but Santa never delivered. Instead his heart darken and never shimmered. He swore he would make Christmas Terrible for people since he always got coal. As he had this terrible look on his face he smiled. He was happy to ruin the werewolves Christmas. He got up out of bed and dressed like Santa got his imp and flew to PackHaven. The imp was confused and didn't want to ruin there dear Christmas but he had to follow the devils rule. As they snuck into the village they saw all the Christmas decorations. The imp smiled with glee while Micheal smirked. "Imp grab those decorations from that half of the village I got this side." With the imp boy not happy about ruining a Christmas he sighed and nodded. "Yes Micheal." He walked to his side and slowly took all the decorations down. He had tears coming down his face with a smile in hopes Christmas could he saved. While the imp was having trouble doing this Micheal had a smile on his face. "Christmas no Christmas will not be a thing I will ruin it for everyone Hahahaha." Micheal was dancing around while ripping the decorations down when he came across this Inn. He decided to go in. When he saw inside he was shocked but also continued to have that grin upon his face. "This person loves Christmas to bad they won't get to celebrate it." Micheal thrown, ripped and cut all the decorations that were hung up. He then saw the tree and decided to take it and leave. Before he could leave though he heard foot steps and froze. A werewolf with a eye patch can walking out. Rubbing his eyes from being woken up he looked around the inn and then saw Micheal. "Why you taking the tree?" He said with sadness in his voice."
"Don't worry Xylo I'm just moving it I think it would be better over here." Micheal set up the tree in a different spot. "You know me I'm the devil. Always making sure people are happy."
"Mhm then what about the decorations?"
"Oh them well they weren't clean so I decided to clean them. Got to make the Jolly fat man happy right."
"Yea leave the decorations and get out. I don't want Santa to skip me cause you're here."
Micheal put down the decorations and left.
Xylo went back to bed.
"Yes Micheal."
"Did you do what I asked?"
The imp sighed "yes, yes I did."
"Good. Now we need a way to take Christmas from the Inn here. Xylo woke up and heard me."
"I mean theres always the option oh I don't know how about not stealing Christmas. To not ruin it for everyone else just because you didn't get the toy you wanted and just got coal because you decided to be a bad child."
"Imp don't talk back to me. Also I'm the devil I'm not suppose to be nice."
"People look Forward to Christmas including me. Why should we suffer just because you didn't get one toy."
"You're my imp you aren't getting anything for Christmas."
"I don't care as long as people who deserve gifts get them."
"If you don't want to help me then you can leave."
"Good I don't want to help you now you can leave and I'll stay and put up the decorations up." The imp was hated that he talked back to the devil he was scared on what he would've done to him.  Micheal was Furious and flew off. The imp started to put up the decorations and left with out anyone noticing him. He didn't want to go back to the mansion so he decided to go to a tree and sleep there not far from PackHaven. Micheal landed outside his mansion and began to wonder if what he doing what right. Deep down inside he could feel what he was doing was wrong but he don't want to admit it. Eventually he felt bad and went to go get the imp and the werewolves presents and give them to them in the morning.
(The next morning)
Xylo jumped out bed and went outside so where snow was falling from the sky with glee in voice he shouted "GET UP ITS CHRISTMAS!"
As everyone got up and ran outside they had smiles on there face with happiness in every step they went the there meeting ground and opened presents. As they were opening them Bryan saw the imp and invited him in.
"Why?" Is all the imp could say.
"It's Christmas that's why." Bryan had a big smile on his face and gave the imp one of his presents as well as everyone in the pack did. With it snowing and happiness going around and devil came flying down.
"Hello imp and werewolves."
Silence filled the area before the imp got up and gave Micheal a present that one of the werewolves gave to him.
"Why do this?" Is all the dear Devil could say.
"Because it's Christmas." The imp a smile upon his face. The Devil slowly grew one too. As the werewolves set aside their differences between them and the devil, they had fun and laughed all around. They had snowball fight, made snowman and snow angels, and then went inside and had some nice Hot Chocolate. The devil learned that day that he didn't have to get toys to be happy on Christmas. It's about spending time with friends and having fun.

With that being said. Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas to all and to have a good night.

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