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I was sitted in my college room that sunny Monday afternoon, thinking how my day would be. As I didn't have any lectures for that day. I was bored to death just sitting there doing nothing. Which wasn't my style - not at all. My roommate was MIA as he had gone for a friends party - which I decided not to attend. Not that I was a buzz kill or anything. We just were not in good terms.

And truthfully, I was kind of wishing I had gone with. Then I would not be alone right then. I picked my phone and decided to play a game. Got tired and went on to watch a movie. That was also not enough to kill the boredom.
"You are an idiot, Zach" I admonished myself.
I closed my eyes to try and sleep hoping that when I would open my eyes, time would have gone by. Just as sleep was taking me slowly, I heard my phone ring.
Immediately, I got up and quickly picked up the phone and pressed the answer button before I missed the call. After which I felt my body become a little weak and heart began beating rapidly and I was slightly out of breath. Perhaps in my excitement to at least have a chance at breaking the boredom I caused myself harm.

"Hello!" I said to the mouthpiece,still recovering.
"Hello Zachariah!" I heard a female voice in return.
My sister's.
I didn't expect it to be her as she was supposed to be angry with me. I forgot our birthday and didn't wish her. Yes 'our' birthday. We are twins. I could have chosen better for my twin but I loved her so much.
"Serena Coker" I said teasingly," the sun must have risen from the West today."
She laughed at that remark. And I laughed back.
"So I guess you are no longer mad at me!?" It was more of a statement than a question.
"Maybe a little less than before." She told me in return.
I smiled to myself because no matter what happened she still loved as much as I did.
"Admit it" I urged her,"you missed me so much you just had to call."

"Yeah right." She scoffed," you wish."
I chuckled.
"Laugh all you want." She said,"you would have called me if I hadn't called you."
"Maybe. You can't be sure." I said.
"When did you last talk to Mom?" She asked and I stopped laughing.
"Well..." I sat up," that was three day ago. Why?"
I hadn't spoken with her because I got tired of her pestering to visit our home town. I hadn't been there in seven years and counting and I wasn't eager to go back. There was nothing there for us. After we came back to the city at the time of our fathers burial, I pushed all thoughts of that place aside.

"Just wondering if you had recently. I have not been able to reach her." She told me.
"That's strange."
"Yes it is." She agreed.
If anything there is one thing mother would never do, that's was ignoring our calls. It wasnt like her.
"She didn't pick up or the call didn't go through?" I asked to be sure.
"I couldn't get through to her." She told me.
Now I had reason to worry.
"She did tell me that she was going home the last time we talked"
"When was this?" I inquired.
"Two days before today." Serena told me,"since then I haven't heard from her.
I heard the worry in my sister's voice and I knew if I didn't do something she could do something stupid.

"You know what?"
"Let's go check her at home." I told her,
"I am scared. I don't want anything to happen to her."
"I am sure she is fine. Don't worry." I tried to reassure and calm her, and myself.
Even I was also very worried.
"We can't go now." I said," it's past 6. Let's go tomorrow okay?"
"Ok." She replied.
"Everything will be alright." I reassured.
"Till tomorrow." She said then hung up.
Knowing my sister, I knew she would be very restless and afraid from then on. I would have gone to be with her as we were in the same school but it would be wrong to go to the female hostel.

Just then the door opened and as I was anxious at the time, I became apprehensive and defensive all of a sudden. It was not until I saw my friend and roommate come in that became at ease.
"Mike it is you." I said relieved.
"What is wrong?" He asked seeing the look on my face.
"You sure? You look anxious."
"Its nothing." I assured him.
I couldn't bring myself to tell him about my problems. It was a personal matter.
"Okay." He said then lay flat on his bed.
"You must have had a wild time." I said seeing as he was tired.
"You have no idea." He said then dozed off.
I shook my head and lay down thrown back in thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2019 ⏰

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